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OS Features API

Direct access to the most detailed geographic data for your analysis. Take full advantage of rich geometries and attributes to generate new insight. Benefit from current, detailed and accurate...

OS NGD API - Features

OS NGD API – Features gives you simple access to the OS National Geographic Database (OS NGD). Get started quickly and request the data you need, as and when you need it, using the latest in API...

Marine Article 17 Reporting Habitat Features

Reporting under Article 17 of the EU Habitats Directive requires member states to report on progress towards achieving favourable conservation status for habitats and species of Community...

Reputation reports

Reports on HMRC reputation. Updated: half yearly.

Ceaser Reports

Audit of supplier's performance in terms of sustainable development and diversity. Updated: annually.

Annual Reports

A report on the SFO's work during each financial year is published for presentation to Parliament by the Attorney General each year.

Departmental Reports

A report on the SFO's expenditure plans and performance is presented to Parliament each year by the Attorney General and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury and published as part of the...

Reputation reports

Reports on HMRC reputation. Updated: half yearly.

Annual Leave reports

Detailed staffing report showing leave entitlement. Updated: annually.

Annual report of incidents

The release includes an appendix presenting numbers and types of incidents, reported to the Food Standards Agency, that have the potential to impact on the safety of food. The release adopts a...

Yearly report on Habitats

This document gives the current areas of broad and priority habitats across the estate

Staff In post reports

Details of staff in post in the department (includes diversity data). Updated: monthly.

Wisdom Usage Reports

The Food Standards Agency uses a system called Wisdom for document and Record Management. Wisdom is the default system where official records should be added, managed and stored. We produce reports...

Staff Sickness Absence Reports

Details of rolling 12 months and monthly sickness absence.

Staff performance mark reports

Performance marks for staff in the department. Updated: annually.

Staff Basic Pay Report

Detailed report showing staff in receipt of salary. Updated: quarterly.

HMRC Annual report and accounts

HMRC's annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013. HMRC deals with the tax and payments affairs of virtually every business and individual in the UK. We have collected...

Yearly reports on District Areas

This document gives information on the amount of land managed by Forestry Commission and other data such as woodland area

Enforcement Data - Enforcement Reports

Volumes of formal enforcement undertaken by the Food Standards Agency. This is shown as the number of breaches against each piece of legislation by Month.

All GPC Transparency Reports

The Food Standards Agency publishes all Government procurement card (GPC) transactions. This supports the Government's drive for transparency and the Agency's own core value of openness and...