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39 results found

COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

Changes in gene expression and encapsulation in Drosophila melanogaster caused by exposure to parasitoid wasps v2

Data consists of gene expression estimates and encapsulation rates in wild caught Drosophila melanogaster larvae following exposure to different treatments. Treatments include injection with wasp...

Antibiotic resistance genes found in soils across the entire Scottish landscape (2007-10)

The dataset collates the relative concentration of nearly 300 antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes found in soil locations across Scotland. Soils were obtained from the National Soils Inventory of...

Antibiotic resistant gene abundance in fresh cattle faeces from the North Wyke Farm Platform

The data consists of the abundance of antibiotic resistant genes (ARG) in fresh cattle faeces from faecal samples taken from a cohort of 30 cattle. The cattle were from the North Wyke Farm...

Community antimicrobial resistance genes and concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals in NE England soils (2016)

The dataset collates the relative concentration of nearly 300 antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes, and concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and potentially toxic elements (PTE;...

Quantification of selected antimicrobial resistance genes in pig faeces on a British commercial pig farm during a typical production cycle

The data presented are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) read outs from antimicrobial resistance gene (AMRG) assays and associated metadata from this project. In this dataset, the mean...

Concentrations of antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater and receiving waters following water treatment in SW England, June-October, 2015

Prevalence of quinolone qnrS resistance gene in the aquatic environment from the Avon river catchment area receiving treated wastewater from 5 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), serving 1.5...

16S rRNA Gene Sequencing of Filtered Groundwater from 8 Boreholes in Cambodia (NERC grant NE/P01304X/1)

This dataset represents the raw reads from sequencing the V4 hyper-variable region of the 16S rRNA gene on an Illumina MiSeq platform. The samples are filtered groundwater samples from 8 boreholes...

Antibiotic susceptibility tests and resistance genes in Escherichia coli from humans, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017)

Antibiotic susceptibility tests are presented as the zone of inhibition using the disc-diffusion method, and categorized as resistant, intermediate or susceptible. DNA samples from...

Antibiotic susceptibility tests and resistance genes in Escherichia coli from humans, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017)

Antibiotic susceptibility tests are presented as the zone of inhibition using the disc-diffusion method, and categorized as resistant, intermediate or susceptible. DNA samples from...

Antibiotic susceptibility tests and resistance genes in Escherichia coli from humans, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017)

Antibiotic susceptibility tests are presented as the zone of inhibition using the disc-diffusion method, and categorized as resistant, intermediate or susceptible. DNA samples from...

Antibiotic resistance and resistant genes in Escherichia coli from human, poultry and environmental samples in urban and rural Bangladesh (2017-18)

The dataset includes information on antibiotic-resistance and resistance genes in bacteria (Escherichia coli) from humans, poultry and the environment in rural households, poultry farms and urban...

QICS Data: Gene expression data of scallops Pecten maximus and mussels Mytilus edulis held in the vicinity of a sub-seabed CO2 release (2012)

The QICS project (Quantifying and Monitoring Potential Ecosystem Impacts of Geological Carbons Storage) was established to improve our understanding of the potential impacts of CO2 release on the...

QICS: No evidence for impacts to molecular ecophysiology of ion or CO2 regulation in tissues of selected surface-dwelling bivalves in vicinity of CO2 release

Whilst sub-seabed Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) has the potential to remove a significant proportion of anthropogenic CO2 emissions at source, research is necessary to constrain the...

Molecular characterization of an Endozoicomonas-like species associated with mass mortalities of king scallop Pecten maximus L. in United Kingdom

The king scallop Pecten maximus L. is the fastest growing fishery in the UK and currently the second most valuable. Mass mortality events in scallops have been reported associated with...

Molecular characterization of an Endozoicomonas-like species associated with mass mortalities of king scallop Pecten maximus L. in United Kingdom

The king scallop Pecten maximus L. is the fastest growing fishery in the UK and currently the second most valuable. Mass mortality events in scallops have been reported associated with...

Soil fungi gene copy numbers and community composition under birch and willow vegetation in girdled and non-girdled plots, subarctic Sweden, 2017-2019

Fungal community DNA was sequenced from soils in northern, subarctic Sweden. Soils were sampled from treeline mountain birch forest and stands of tundra willow that were wither ‘girdled’...

Pioneer Microbial Communities of the Fimmvörðuháls Lava Flow, Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland

The data set is sequences of microorganisms that were isolated or determined by direct DNA extraction from the Eyjafjallajökull Iceland lava flows. The data is held in BLAST as follows: Clone 16S...

Multi-drug resistant bacteria in agricultural soil

This dataset identified bacteria able to grow in the presence of several Antibiotics in a British agricultural soil, by DNA stable isotope probing (SIP). The dataset was created with samples of the...

Porewater and microbial community properties of permeable riverbed sediments across the south of England, 2018

This dataset contains in-stream measurements of sediment porewater nutrients, nitrification rates (and the fraction which is either fully oxidised to nitrate or reduced to N2 gas), and the...