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65 results found

CRoW Act 2000 - Section 4 Conclusive Open Country

Shows land mapped as Conclusive Open Country under the Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown...

CRoW Act 2000 - Section 4 Conclusive Registered Common Land

Shows land mapped as Conclusive Registered Common Land under the Countryside Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000. Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown...

Coroners Statistics

This annual bulletin presents statistics on the workload of coroners in England and Wales. Information is provided on the number of deaths reported to coroners, post-mortem examinations and...

All BGS Value Added Biostratigraphy Collections And Data

Interrelated specimens and records compiled over 150 years of palaeontological collecting and research. All associated paper data (registers, indexes of locality and storage, reports of conclusions).

CRoW Act 2000 - Open Access Mapping Areas

Shows the conclusive boundaries of the mapping areas used for the CRoW mapping process. Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and...

2015 Owen Michael Cornwall rockpool survey

A comparison between urban and non-urban rockpools at Gwithian and Porthmeor (Feb-April 2015) comparing the three data sets were relating to Salinity, pH and biodiversity. The overall conclusions...

2015 Owen Michael Cornwall rockpool survey

A comparison between urban and non-urban rockpools at Gwithian and Porthmeor (Feb-April 2015) comparing the three data sets were relating to Salinity, pH and biodiversity. The overall conclusions...

Evidence review of factors contributing to surface water flooding from section 19 Lead Local Flood Authority reports

The purpose of the section 19 reports review is to complement the evaluation of the arrangements for managing local flood risk commissioned by Defra which is now complete, and to inform Defra’s...

Wider Measures of Public Sector Debt

This article is intended to address a recommendation made in the conclusion of a series of articles published by ONS in July 2009 in response to the financial crisis. Source agency: Office for...

Joule II Project Report: The underground disposal of carbon dioxide : Final Summary Report

This report give detailed results, conclusions and recommendations of the Joule II project CT92-0031. 'The Underground Disposal of Carbon Dioxide'. A summary of the results of the project is given...

Third UK Habitats Directive report (2013) - Site condition monitoring information

Every six years, all EU Member States are required (under Article 17 of the Directive) to report on the implementation of the EU Habitats Directive. This dataset contains the summary country and...

Road Accident In Depth Studies (RAIDS)

This asset contains legacy data from the Department's OTS, CCIS and HVCIS accident studies. It contains measurements taken at the scene of accidents, damage to vehicles, injuries to persons...

EU Project Report: The RISCS Guide - A guide to potential impacts of leakage from CO2 storage

The RISCS guide summarises the conclusions and recommendations developed by the RISCS Consortium, based on four years of research into the potential impacts of leakage from CO2 storage sites. The...

Fault Seal controls on aquifer CO2 storage capacity UKCCSRC – Third and final annual report project update

The data consists of a short project update for the 2015/16 annual report and the final report for the project. The update describes work carried-out on behalf of the 'Fault seal controls on CO2...

Impacts Of Welfare Reform Cabinet Policy Briefing 4 February 2013 PUBLIC

• This is the fourth in a series of welfare reform impact assessments for Cabinet • Data is correct as of January 2013 for housing benefit data or latest available data for other DWP benefits •...

Impacts Of Welfare Reform Cabinet Policy Briefing 4 February 2013

This is the fourth in a series of welfare reform impact assessments for Cabinet. • Data is correct as of January 2013 for housing benefit data or latest available data for other DWP benefits •...

Introducing the new RPIJ measure of Consumer Price Inflation

This article describes the new RPIJ measure of Consumer Price Inflation. RPIJ is a Retail Prices Index (RPI) based measure that will use a geometric (Jevons) formula in place of one type of...

Second UK Habitats Directive report (2007) - UK level habitat details

This dataset contains details of all the Habitat Reports that summarise the conservation status of Habitats listed under the Habitats Directive. Every six years, all EU Member States are required...

Second UK Habitats Directive report (2007) - UK level species details

This dataset contains details of all the Species Reports that summarise the conservation status of Species listed under the Habitats Directive. Every six years, all EU Member States are required...

Species point records from 1987 Heriot-Watt University Loch Moidart littoral survey

A survey of the intertidal area of SSSI at Loch Moidart, Ardnamurchan, for NCC Scotland, particularly the area likely to be affected by a proposed mussel farm development. The notification of this...