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DWP Carbon Reduction Delivery Plan

This report sets out the Department's aims and objectives to deliver its carbon reduction commitment.

Waste Reduction and Recycling Plans (RRPs)

London Local authorities have developed their waste Reduction and Recycling Plans (RRPs) setting out key actions for minimising waste and boosting recycling locally. The RRPs are used to drive and...

Global Threat Reduction Programme contractors

Details of Global Threat Reduction Programme contractors overseas

NI 185 - CO2 reduction from Local Authority operations

Percentage CO2 reduction from LA operations: an annually measured reduction of emissions against a set baseline

% reduction in council tax prior year's balances - (YTD)

% reduction in council tax prior year's balances - (YTD)

NI 185 CO2 reduction from Local Authority operations

Percentage CO2 reduction from LA operations: an annually measured reduction of emissions against a set baseline Source: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Publisher: DCLG...

Carbon Reduction Commitment Reporting Data

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been superseded by: “Information for each Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) participant “. This record is for Approval for Access (AfA) product AfA454. Data drawn...

% reduction in non-domestic rates prior year's balances - (YTD)

% reduction in non-domestic rates prior year's balances - (YTD)

Carbon Reduction Commitment Performance Data

This dataset has now been Retired as it has been replaced by 'Information for each Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) participant'...

NI 194b - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authority's estate and operations - Percentage reduction in NOx emissions

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

Reduction in CO2 through investing in more efficient street lighting (%)

Reduction in CO2 through investing in more efficient street lighting (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

NI 194d - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authority's estate and operations - Percentage reduction in PM10 emissions

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

Land Survey Plans (LSP)

The Land Survey Plans collection of c.1,520 plans consists largely of mine plans acquired by the Survey, including 492 non-coal mine plans deposited by the National Coal Board 1984-87, and copies...

Annual reductions in CO2 emissions from technology change for use of products in the home

annual reductions in CO2 emissions from technology change for use of products in the home

Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) data at regional, local authority and Parliamentary Constituency level

This data provides a geographic distribution of professionally installed measures - currently cavity wall and loft insulation - claimed under the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) scheme....

Reduction in Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea due to Defences

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset has been temporarily discontinued and is due to be superseded by new information. This is due to an update of some of our national flood risk products, and further work...

NI 194 - Air quality - percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

Percentage reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authorities estate and operations

Council Tax Reduction Statistics

Holding text - awaiting details on this collection Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project Final Report: Novel Reductive Rejuvenation approaches for degraded amine solvents from PCC in power plants

Final Report for UKCCSRC Call 2 Project C2-189. Novel Reductive Rejuvenation approaches for degraded amine solvents from PCC in power plants.

Business Plan/Command Plan

Business Plan/Command Plan