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109 results found

Formation confinement analyses based on available results of laboratory geochemical measurements of brine samples for selected sites

The dataset is on analyses on formation confinement based on available results of laboratory geochemical measurements of brine samples for several field sites (shale wells, acidic gas storage...

QICS Paper: Small-scale modelling of physiochemical impacts of CO2 leaked from sub-seabed reservoirs or pipelines within the North Sea and surrounding waters

A two-fluid, small scale numerical ocean model was developed to simulate plume dynamics and increases in water acidity due to leakages of CO2 from potential sub-seabed reservoirs erupting, or...

Soil chemical and physical properties from inorganic fertiliser additions to grassland at North Wyke, Henfaes and Easter Bush, UK (2016)

The data consist of soil physicochemical and biological data for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a three-cut silage plot trial located at three grassland sites within the UK...

Soil biological properties from an inorganic fertiliser (grass trial) experiment at North Wyke, Henfaes Farm and Easter Bush, UK (2016)

The data nitrogen gene data, soil biodiversity indices and microbial community composition, for three soil depths (0-15, 15-30 and 30-60 cm) from a three-cut silage plot trial located at three...

Field measurements of peatland carbon cycling at a wind farm hosting peatland in Scotland, UK

Data from a field-based investigation into the spatio-temporal variability of abiotic and biotic controls on peatland carbon cycling. Data was collected between February 2011 and April 2013, across...

Bulk elemental and stable isotope composition of organic matter from terrestrial, intertidal, and marine environments, UK, 2016-2021

Bulk elemental (carbon and nitrogen) and stable isotope (delta 13C and delta 15N) data produced from 491 samples collected between 2016-2021 from terrestrial (soil, peat, living biomass, dead...

Natural Analogues

Data from projects that investigated the migration, transport and retardation processes of naturally occuring trace elements, as analogues the behaviour in the geosphere environment, of...

GCN - Strategic Opportunity Areas (England)

This dataset identifies areas where the addition of new ponds would benefit Great Crested Newt populations defined as strategic opportunity areas (SOAs). These England-wide dataset incorporates the...

Soil physico-chemical properties 1998 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of soil physico-chemical properties (pH, loss on ignition, carbon stock and concentration, total nitrogen, Olsen phosphorus) from soils sampled across Great Britain in 1998....

Geochemical data for 5 Palaeosols from a 60 million year time series from the late Silurian (420 Ma) to late Devonian (390 Ma) across the Eastern side of North America. (NERC Grant NE/J007471/1)

The data relate to the description and geochemical analysis of palaeosols from 5 localities spanning 60 million years from late Silurian to Late Devonian across the NE of North America,...

Soil physico-chemical properties 2007 [Countryside Survey]

This dataset consists of soil physico-chemical properties (pH, loss on ignition, bulk density, moisture content, carbon stock and concentration, total nitrogen, Olsen phosphorus) from soils sampled...

Water chemistry of Welsh upland rivers (2012-2013)

These data consist of stream water chemistry for selected Welsh upland rivers. The sampling sites were located in sixty one small and medium catchments. Catchments were chosen from the Welsh Acid...

Conwy catchment - spatial water chemistry dataset

Surface water quality data for the Conwy catchment, North Wales are presented. The data cover stream and estuary survey locations sampled manually from 2007 to 2011 at varying intervals between...

CSGN - Habitat Networks and Opportunity Areas

These are a suite of datasets which make up the CSGN 2021 Habitat Connectivity Map. The map identifies areas of habitat (woodland, grassland, wetland and bog and heath) across central Scotland...

Soil carbon data in the Conwy catchment in North Wales 2014

The data consist of soil carbon in kilogrammes (kg) of carbon per metre squared. Soil cores were taken to a depth of 1 metre and divided into 15 cm depth increments. Soil carbon (kg carbon per...

Soil biodiversity, carbon cycling and crop plant biomass responses to experimental biochar amendment of agricultural soil (Dundee, UK)

These data describe the results of a three year (2011-2013) factorial experiment using plant-soil mesocosms testing the effects of biochar on soil biodiversity and soil carbon fluxes. The...

Soil physical, chemical and biological measurements in the Conwy Catchment (North Wales) 2013 and 2014

The data consist of general physical, biological and chemical parameters for soil samples taken in the Conwy catchment in North West Wales. Samples were collected between 2013 and 2014 across a...

Greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen use efficiency and biomass from inorganic fertiliser additions to grassland at North Wyke and Henfaes, UK (2016)

The data consists of nitrogen (N) offtake, N emissions and soil N parameters, and herbage quality parameters from a three-cut silage plot trial located at two grassland sites within the UK...

Solomon Islands Regional Geochemistry.

Two geochemical surveys were undertaken in the Solomon Islands between 1976 and 1983 as part of a combined geological mapping and mineral exploration project. The survey of Choiseul and the...

Geochemical data for giant piston core MD04-2832 (Loch Sunart, Scotland) (NERC Grant NE/L501852/1)

Geochemical data for the upper 300cm of giant piston core MD04-2832. Core MD04-2832 was collected from the middle basin of Loch Sunart a fjord on the west coast of Scotland from the research vessel...