These are a suite of datasets which make up the CSGN 2021 Habitat Connectivity Map. The map identifies areas of habitat (woodland, grassland, wetland and bog and heath) across central Scotland which should be protected and improved, as well as key sites for connecting these habitats so that species can move between them.
These data are intended to support planners, developers, land managers and communities identify where there are areas of neutral grassland and the dispersal zones will help identify where there are opportunities to improve habitat connectivity. These opportunities are highlighted on the Grassland Opportunity Areas dataset. The data will also support the Scottish Government’s commitments to protect and restore biodiversity and to develop nature-based solutions to the climate emergency.
The existing habitats shown on the Connectivity Map are limited to ‘natural’or ‘semi-natural’habitats. This means that they have not been significantly modified by humans; they have natural characteristics with a range of associated plant and animal species. Therefore, the existing habitats shown on the map do not include coniferous forest plantations or urban green spaces such as parkland. The map does not show acid or calcareous grassland habitats, nor does it show coastal, intertidal or marine habitats. Watercourses and open water are not included within the model, but can be identified from the base map or through other GIS layers used for analysis. Information on the current condition and future targets for rivers, lochs, coastal waters and groundwater can be found on the SEPA water environment hub. It is recommended that each habitat type is initially viewed alongside the other habitat layers, to ensure that the full range of habitats in an area are included in the decision-making process.