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454 results found

Wedding venue licences

Dataset showing licence applications for venues to be used as wedding venues. The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your computer and open it in a spread sheet program like...

Third Party Incidents

Data from incidents that have resulted in injuries to third parties - i.e. members of the public and contractors working on behalf of the Environment Agency. Attribution statement: © Environment...

GIS 3rd Party

This dataset contains a list of useful links to 3rd party GIS open resources

Third Party Payments database

Details of payments to thrid parties for treatment and pharmaceuticals for war pensioners living overseas.

Section 16 Third Party Information (TPI) Mart

Details of payments made to an individual or business for services provided to a third party

PS12A Royal Garden Party Database 2000-2006

Bespoke MS Access application to record Army applications to attend Royal Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace.

PS12A Royal Garden Party Spreadsheet 2007-2011

Bespoke MS Excel application to record Army applications to attend Royal Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace.

National Forest Estate Third Party Access England 2016

This dataset contains records of agreed third party access on the National Forest Estate. Most will be on main forest roads to access non forest land or property. Attribution statement: Contains OS...

NNDR Liable Parties and Rate Relief by type 2015/2016

Business rate properties with liable party information, rate relief being received and type. 2015/2016

NNDR Liable Parties and Rate Relief by type 2014/2015

Business rate properties with liable party information, rate relief being received and type. 2014/2015

Third Party Claims

Data showing total number of highway claims and payments for carriageway, footway, vehicles, motorcycles and potholes. 'Payments' includes all legal costs, disbursements and compensation. Data is...

Health Safety Third Party Incidents March 2000 to May 2012

Data from incidents that have resulted in injuries to third parties - i.e. members of the public and contractors working on behalf of the Environment Agency during the period from March 2000 to May...

% of panel who think that noisy neighbours or loud parties are a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that noisy neighbours or loud parties are a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that noisy neighbours or loud parties are not a problem in their local area

% of panel who think that noisy neighbours or loud parties are not a problem in their local area

Section 18 Third Party Information (TPI) Mart

UK financial institution interest obtained under our statutory powers Section 18

Section 17 Third Party Information (TPI) Mart

UK bank and building interest data obtained under our statutory powers Section 17

AGS data: Site investigation data received by GSNI from 3rd party organisations in AGS file format

Site investigation and geotechnical data received by the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) from 3rd party organisations in AGS file format. This data has been collected under the...

AGS data: Site investigation data received by BGS from 3rd party organisations in AGS file format.

Site investigation and geotechnical data received by BGS from 3rd party organisations in AGS file format. When received by BGS the data is validated against predefined rules, processed and stored...

Independent Living Fund third party data - user files

Award manager, other contacts, payroll companies, accountants. Contains personal data.

Automated Credit Transfer/ Overseas Credit Transfer/ Third Party Payments Database

Details of related payment reconciliation