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Weather data from Durleigh Reservoir, 2018

This dataset contains seven month monitoring of weather conditions at Durleigh Reservoir in Somerset, England, during 2018. A Delta T WS-GP1 weather station was installed approximately 4 m above...

Weather Extremes

The tables provided show the national weather records. To ensure consistency, these weather records are only given for stations with standard instruments and exposure. Although some records have...

Mountain Weather Forecasts

Mountain forecasts are provided for the main mountain areas and those which have the highest visitor figures. Forecasts are issued twice per day and cover the daylight hours. Weather...

Highway Winter Weather Monitoring Sites

Dataset shows the locations of winter weather prediction and recording stations used by North Yorkshire County Council

CPS - Conditional Cautions - Type of Conditions attached to Cautions

This allows the user to view the type of conditions used. Each Conditional Caution administered may have more than one condition attached to it; as a result of this the number of conditions will...

Schools' Condition Backlog

This dataset shows estimated condition backlog by CYC maintained school, 'condition element' (roofs, windows etc), condition grading and priority grading. Condition and priority gradings, which are...

Road Conditions, England

Report giving annual statistics on the conditions of public roads, footways, kerbs and verges in England. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Cattle Conditions

Cattle condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of cattle throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month.

Poultry Conditions

Poultry condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of poultry throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month.

Pontbren automatic weather station (AWS) dataset

This dataset is from an automatic weather station (AWS) located at the Pontbren study site in mid-Wales, UK. The AWS was installed at the Bowl study site, an area of improved grassland, between...

Pig Conditions

Pig condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of pig throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month. Pig...

National Road Condition Database

National Road Condition Database. Measurements of road surface condition of roads taken from local authority SCANNER (Surface Condition Assessment for the Nationals Network of Roads). These machine...

Road Conditions in England

Report giving annual statistics on the conditions of public roads, footways, kerbs and verges in England. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Scottish House Condition Survey

This survey looks at the physical condition of Scotland's homes as well as the experiences of householders. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Testing the control of weathering on CO2 - Evidence from extreme climate events (NERC Grant NE/I020571/2)

Published papers for NERC grant NE/I020571/2. Grant award abstract: How does the Earth's climate recover from events of rapid and extreme global warming or cooling? Why have the huge fluctuations...

Sheep & Goat Conditions

Sheep & goat condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of sheep & goat throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and...

Footway Condition Survey 2018

The data published within this resource represents an ongoing pilot project of automated surface conditioning survey which is helping to extend the life of the UK’s public infrastructure assets. ...

Road Condition Survey 2018

The data published within this resource represents an ongoing pilot project of automated surface conditioning survey which is helping to extend the life of the UK’s public infrastructure assets. ...

Road Condition Survey 2017

The data published within this resource represents an ongoing pilot project of automated surface conditioning survey which is helping to extend the life of the UK’s public infrastructure assets. ...

Footway Condition Survey 2017

The data published within this resource represents an ongoing pilot project of automated surface conditioning survey which is helping to extend the life of the UK’s public infrastructure assets. ...