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This is a polygon dataset that shows Visually Important Space as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

Tranquillity and Place: Visually Tranquil Areas

A nationally consistent terrestrial Tranquillity & Place resource that identifies visually tranquil areas for use as an evidence base to inform policy intent, practice and provision for...

LANDMAP Visual and Sensory

LANDMAP is a unique national information system, devised by the former Countryside Council for Wales, allowing information about landscape in Wales to be collected and organised into a...

JNCC visual aerial bird survey data

This resource provides visual aerial survey data for seaduck, divers, grebes, and little gull. Data were collected visually from aircraft at the following sites, identified as holding potentially...

Visual Boundaries for the National Trip End Model (NTEM)

[GIS files for the zoning system used in the National Trip End Model (NTEM)]( Shapefiles for the zoning system...

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Farne Islands SPA (2010)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Farne Islands Special Protection Area (SPA), for Arctic, common, and Sandwich terns. The data were collected...

Visual tracking data, common tern, Glas Eileanan SPA (2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Glas Eileanan Special Protection Area (SPA) and a nearby artificial nesting platform at South Shian, for...

Landmark Features

The location of Landmark Features within Nottingham City Centre. Landmark Features are points of local interest and significance within the townscape.

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Outer Ards SPA (2009 to 2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Outer Ards Special Protection Area (SPA), for Arctic, common, and Sandwich terns. The data cover the breeding...

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Larne Lough SPA (2009 to 2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Larne Lough Special Protection Area (SPA), for common, roseate and Sandwich terns. The data cover the...

Visual tracking data, tern species, Coquet Island SPA (2009 to 2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Coquet Island Special Protection Area (SPA), for Arctic, common, roseate, and Sandwich terns. The data cover...

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Imperial Dock Lock, Leith SPA (2009 to 2010)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Imperial Dock Lock, Leith Special Protection Area (SPA), for common terns. The data cover the breeding...

NSI Features

NSI features derives many parameters beneficial for modelling soils. These parameters, derived from readings and measurements taken at the NSI site include the depth from the surface to various...

Safety Features - Scotland

Many Local Authorities capture locational details of certain safety features located across their area of jurisdiction. This dataset attempts to pull those features together into one single...

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Isle of May (part of Forth Islands SPA) (2010)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from the Isle of May which is part of the Forth Islands Special Protection Area (SPA), for Arctic and common...

Visual tracking data, Sandwich tern, Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Loch SPA (2011)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Ythan Estuary, Sands of Forvie and Meikle Loch Special Protection Area (SPA), for Sandwich terns. The data...

OS NGD API - Features

OS NGD API – Features gives you simple access to the OS National Geographic Database (OS NGD). Get started quickly and request the data you need, as and when you need it, using the latest in API...

Visual Tracking data, tern species, Anglesey Terns / Morwenoliaid Ynys Môn SPA (2009 to 2010)

This resource includes a series of spreadsheets which provide visual tracking data from Anglesey Terns / Morwenoliaid Ynys Môn (previously Ynys Feurig, Cemlyn Bay and the Skerries) Special...

OS Features API

Direct access to the most detailed geographic data for your analysis. Take full advantage of rich geometries and attributes to generate new insight. Benefit from current, detailed and accurate...

Coastal Physiographic Features - Ria

This is a shapefile of the coastal physiographic feature 'Ria'. The polygons represent drowned river valleys of south-west Britain. Often with a greater presence of rock and more marine in...