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121 results found

Marine Management Organisation Visibility of sea from land

This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

Marine Management Organisation Visibility of sea from land Web Feature Service (WFS)

This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

Marine Management Organisation Visibility of sea from land Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This layer has been developed in order to understand the extent of intervisibility in the Marine Plan Areas (as defined by the Marine Management Organisation) and the adjacent land onshore (in...

Visible leaf injury of Trifolium repens versus Lolium perenne after ozone exposure in solardomes

The dataset consists of proportions of ozone injured or senesced leaves from a study which investigated how the presence of competing species in a community affects these two common responses to...

VOLCORE, a global database of visible tephra layers sampled by ocean drilling (NERC Grant NE/P020895/1)

The VOLCORE (Volcanic Core Records) database is a collection of 34,696 visible tephra (volcanic ash and lithological or grain size variations) occurrences reported in the initial reports volumes of...

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Species - Red Squirrel - Woodland Creation

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery. This layer is identical to that titled ‘CS WCM Biodiversity - Priority...

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Habitat Network

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery, where the layer indicates ‘High Spatial Priority’. ‘Higher’ and ‘Lower’...

SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager) Fire Radiative Power (FRP) data from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Satellite

The Fire Radiative Power (FRP) is a measure of the rate of radiant heat output from a fire. It has been demonstrated in small-scale experimental fires that the FRP of a fire is related to the rate...

SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager) Fire Radiative Power (FRP) data from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Satellite

The Fire Radiative Power (FRP) is a measure of the rate of radiant heat output from a fire. It has been demonstrated in small-scale experimental fires that the FRP of a fire is related to the rate...

International Space Station Sighting Expected London

This dataset contains a rolling of calendar of when the ISS (International Space Station) should be visible over London.

COLDTREE project data on cold tolerance and dormancy assessments in pine and beech

Summarising, the objectives of the Coldtree project were: To identify novel physiological, and genetic techniques indicative of the onset of winter hardiness and dormancy in woody species and,...

Species point records from 1982 Dipper Wash sublittoral diving/dredging survey

This report notes the importance in the Wash of the sublittoral faunal populations, which may be a source of recruitment to the intertidal areas, for nature conservation and for fisheries. Although...

Habitat point records from 1982 Dipper Wash sublittoral diving/dredging survey

This report notes the importance in the Wash of the sublittoral faunal populations, which may be a source of recruitment to the intertidal areas, for nature conservation and for fisheries. Although...

Listed Buildings

There are over 350 listed buildings in Leicester, which are subject to special planning controls, and the Council also maintains a 'Local Heritage Asset Register' (more commonly known as the 'Local...

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Mapping Project

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Mapping Project is a project that has been carried out over 12 years, with the aim to enhance our understanding about past human settlement, by providing...


The Cheshire Historic Landscape Characterisation project recorded the visible evidence of human history, which forms the modern landscape. This has been achieved by identifying landscape attributes...


The Cheshire Historic Landscape Characterisation project recorded the visible evidence of human history, which forms the modern landscape. This has been achieved by identifying landscape attributes...

Accommodation QA scheme member database

A database of members of the VisitEngland Accommodation QA scheme, with details of attraction name, address and assessment. Consumers can search for accommodation scheme members at...

Species point records from 1986 OPRU Shetland fish farm infaunal sediment survey

This report describes the macrofauna present in benthic sediment samples taken at three salmon farm cage sites in August 1986. Samples were obtained in cores taken along a 50m transect line...

Habitat point records from 1986 OPRU Shetland fish farm infaunal sediment survey

This report describes the macrofauna present in benthic sediment samples taken at three salmon farm cage sites in August 1986. Samples were obtained in cores taken along a 50m transect line...