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11,166 results found

Allotments Details

This dataset provides details of Allotment sites in Leicester City. Included is a map of the sites and details of the number of plots at each site and the number of people currently on the waiting...

Councillors' Details

The dataset showing the contact details of the Councillors in Lincolnshire is no longer published on this site but a link is provided below which shows the same information. For any enquiries...

GPS Employee details

GPS staff details, grades, employment length, salary, address etc

Members - Contact details

A dataset containing the contact details for all Barnet councillors

Vendor Details (Masterdata)

Vendor Details (Masterdata) including name, address, Bank account, contact names, VAT number etc

Warwickshire Schools (Detail)

Detailed information on Warwickshire Schools, including Headteacher, email address, starting age, leaving age, governance.

Customer Details Government Mail

Customer details including collection/delivery addresses /contractual info

Driver Details Government Mail

Driver phone and home address next of Kin details

Customer Detail Regional Plus

Customer details including collection/delivery addresses/ contractual info (ceased operations 27/04/12)

Theory Test payment details

Payment details for Theory Test specifically Credit Card and the validation of the card.

London's sectors - More Detailed Jobs

**More Detailed Jobs** This dataset provides estimates of employee jobs in London down to 4-digit Standard Industry Classification level, from 1998 to 2022. The latest release was in **July 2024...

VOA Non domestic rating - customer details

Customer details from non domestic rating dataets. Updated: annually but varies according to local arrangements

VOA Non domestic rating - customer details

Customer details from non domestic rating dataets. Updated: annually but varies according to local arrangements

OS Detailed Path Network

OS Detailed Path Network is a fully-connected, heighted path network covering Britain’s National Parks. Create off-road navigation apps, build exciting navigation websites and apps that help your...

Public Health Funeral details

Assisted Funerals conducted during a rolling year to date.  The information shown is all that the Council can provide with regard to Public Health or Assisted Funerals.   The Treasury Solicitor’s...

Public Health Funeral details

Assisted Funerals conducted during a rolling year to date.  The information shown is all that the Council can provide with regard to Public Health or Assisted Funerals.   The Treasury Solicitor’s...

National Measurement System' Working Group personal details database

Private contact details of Working Group members

OS Linked Identifiers API

The OS Linked Identifiers API allows you to access the valuable relationships between properties, streets and OS MasterMap identifiers (TOIDs). Benefit from the valuable relationship found in OS...

Linked Data

The linked data is developmental and is produced from linking existing administrative data sources together to create a new valuable information asset which is being used for a variety of purposes.

Census 2011 - Detailed Characteristic Sector

An DC sector is one of 2 special postcode sectors created for 2011 Census Output. A postcode sector comprises all the unit postcodes that have the same identifier except for the last two...