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List of Educational Psychology Trainees

Educational psychology training is a three year doctorate programme. NCTL train on average 120 annually and share the cost with employers. There are contractual implications for both trainees...

Initial Teacher Training Trainee Number Census

Recruitment data about initial teacher training in England

Initial Teacher Training Performance Profiles

Data about initial teacher training: trainees, programmes and providers

Master Training Log

HMS TURBULENT. Ship's Company Training record for Phase 1, 2, and 3 Officer and Rating trainees.

ITT Performance Profiles Management Information

This Management Information provides figures on the number of trainees commencing or completing an initial teacher training (ITT) course leading to qualified teacher status in England in the...

EBITT Holdback Model

Operational key ITT dataset, detailing funding due for EBITT trainees Model. Loss of data could mean payments would not be made.

Tonnage Tax Training Commitment database

List of trainee cadets with number of months they have been training against the Company name to ensure that Companies are fulfilling their training requirements.

MTL Model

Operational key ITT dataset, detailing funding due for MTL participants trainees. TRNs held Model contains all data required to forecast payments. Loss of data could mean payments would not be made.

EBITT Funding Model

Operational key ITT dataset, detailing funding due for EBITT trainees. Model contains all data required in order to make monthly payments to provider. Loss of data could mean payments would not be...

Skills Tests Data for Current Academic Year

Weekly and monthly data captured on professional skills tests results for trainee teachers in numeracy and literacy for academic year 2012 and 2013. Includes pass rates by test form and special...

Skills Tests Statistics

Summary of professional skills tests results for trainee teachers in numeracy and literacy for the academic year 2011 and 2012. The national results data tables for 2011 and 2012 and previous years...

MTL MS Access Database

Operational key ITT dataset, detailing funding due for MTL participants trainees. TRNs held Database contains details of all MTL participants with record of TRN, Provider and payments made to...

Educational Psychology Workforce Survey

Annual survey of the local authority educational psychology services. Data collected includes the number of full and or part time or on maternity leave educational psychologists and assistant...

Job Density

Information The number of jobs in an area divided by the resident population aged 16-64 in that area. For example, a job density of 1.0 would mean that there is one job for every resident aged...

Jobs density

Jobs density: Number of jobs per working age resident of area Source: Nomis Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), Government Office Region (GOR), National, Parliamentary...

Bikeability Courses Delivered in Schools

Calderdale Council delivers a National Standard Bikeability cycle training to Year 5 and Year 6 school children as part of a series of training courses for each year group. The funded two day...

Northern Ireland Business Register and Employment Survey

The Northern Ireland Business Register and Employment Survey (BRES) is a survey of employers in Northern Ireland that collects employee job counts. Results are available according to gender, full...

Summary of Employment Projections, London

A summary of the latest employment projections for London produced by four respected organisations. 1) Cambridge Econometrics Employment defined as: Employees + Self-employed + HM Forces Jobs ...