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837 results found

Software licences

A list of software licenses.

Software Licence Tracker

Details of licensing information for software purchased/held by DfT(Central).

UKCCSRC Call 1 project data: CO2 equation of state software

CO2 equation of state software from UKCCSRC project: Tractable equations of state for CO2 mixtures in CCS: Algorithms for automated generation and optimisation, tailored to end-users and tutorial...

Biological dosimetry software

Statistical analysis & interpretation of cytogenetic data

NSTA Collated Well Tops

As part of the wider Exploration strategy, the NSTA is publishing geological data to help promote exploration activity across the UKCS. One of the areas of data publication has been focused around...

HystLab Software v1.1.1 (NERC Grant NE/P017266/1)

HystLab (Hysteresis Loop analysis box), is MATLAB based software for the advanced processing and analysis of magnetic hysteresis data. Hysteresis loops are one of the most ubiquitous rock magnetic...

Fitness Information System Software

Actually three different systems, one for each Service.  The systems record Fitness levels of all Service Personnel. This is a DASA hosted system used by the three Services.

SysAid Helpdesk Software

Database linked to Wisdom via user groups. KIM add / remove / amend content.

Library loans - top 100 authors borrowed (adult fiction)

This dataset provides a list of the top 100 adult fiction authors borrowed from Leeds City Council libraries, ranked in order of the number of loans for their books.

CRB disclosures requested by the top 100 registered bodies

FOI response: the number of CRB applications received by the top Registered Bodies.

Map based index (GeoIndex) top soil

This layer shows data collected mainly by the Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment (G-BASE) programme. Geochemical data are available for soil samples for the Humber-Trent and East Anglia...

Impact of the Implementation of IRIS Software for ICD-10 Cause of Death Coding on Mortality Statistics

Results of the IRIS bridge coding study, which shows the impact of the new IRIS software for cause of death coding on mortality statistics. Source agency: Office for National...

Top Hole - Bottom Hole Straight Line Connection (ED50)

A wellbore is a path of drilled footage from the Well Origin to a terminating point. The location of each wellbore is the wellbore’s well origin. A well origin is the location on the surface of the...

Top Hole - Bottom Hole Straight Line Connection (ETRS89)

A wellbore is a path of drilled footage from the Well Origin to a terminating point. The location of each wellbore is the wellbore’s well origin. A well origin is the location on the surface of the...

Top Hole - Bottom Hole Straight Line Connection (WGS84)

A wellbore is a path of drilled footage from the Well Origin to a terminating point. The location of each wellbore is the wellbore’s well origin. A well origin is the location on the surface of the...

Triazine, organophosphate and pyrethroid (TOP) pesticide data from rivers [LOIS]

Triazine, organophosphate and pyrethroid (TOP) pesticide data from river water collected at various sites within the Humber catchment area as part of the Land Ocean Interaction Study project...

Barnet Top Ups 2425 - With hours

Porosity of core samples SSK111464 and SSK111465 calculated using SEM images and Fiji software (NERC grant NE/R018006/1)

Porosity of core samples SSK111464 (sandstone) and SSK111465 (shale) calculated using backscatter electron SEM images of carbon coated thin sections processed in ImageJ Fiji software. 85 images of...

Fission track and U-Th-He data used to test HeFTy and QTQt thermal history modelling software. (NERC grant NE/K003232/1)

Fission track and U-Th-He data used to test HeFTy and QTQt thermal history modelling software. Longmen Shan, Szechuan Province, China. Data received from NERC grant NE/K003232/1 4He/3He laser...

West Shetland Shelf Area rule based top down benthic habitat map 2013

The objective of this project was to generate seabed habitat maps for locations with full coverage acoustic datasets to as detailed a hierarchical level as possible within the Marine Habitat...