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Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

National Archives - Sustainable Development Targets

See information regarding The National Archives' sustainable development targets for 2011-12.

Mortality Target Monitoring

Mortality monitoring. Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Mortality Target Monitoring

HLS Target Areas

A set of targeting maps to increase the environmental benefits delivered through Higher Level Stewardship. This data aims to help secure the most appropriate management in geographic areas where...

End of Life Vehicles targets database

A listing of the annual reuse, recycling and recovery target performance achieved by vehicle manufacturers and Authorised Testing Facilities (ATFs)

Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets

These are a consolidated list of asset freeze targets (both individuals and companies) designated by the United Nations, European Union and United Kingdom under legislation relating to current...

Deployment Specific Forward Inventory Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that advise how many of which piece parts are expected to be needed for specific deployments of Maritime units on Operations and Exercises.

Higher Level Stewardship Target Areas (England)

A set of targeting maps to increase the environmental benefits delivered through Higher Level Stewardship. This data aims to help secure the most appropriate management in geographic areas where...

5 Day Payment Target performance for CQC

CQC aims to pay 80% (in both volume and value) of invoices within five working days of the receipt of a correctly rendered invoice.

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2015

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2014

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2013

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Tree Health Aerial Survey GB 2012

Flights are undertaken by helicopter to identify areas of suspicious larch that require inspection, to target specific tree and plant health issues and to generally observe national tree, woodland...

Platform Specific Consolidated Allowance List Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that inform decisions about how many of which piece parts should be held onboard each ship and submarine to meet expected demand for them.

Climate Change Agreements - Target Unit Performance Data

The Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations 2012 require the administrator to publish a report setting out the energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions achieved by...

Landfilling Biodegradable Municipal Waste in England - Landfill Allocation Scheme Targets And Achievement

Landfilling Biodegradable Municipal Waste in England - Landfill Allocation Scheme Targets And Achievement

Alcohol-specific hospital admissions (CCGOIS 3.14)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for alcohol-specific conditions per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Dec-17

WFD Cycle 2 Specific Pollutants Classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" product and contains classification data for the sub element Specific Pollutants (abbreviated to SP) as used in the...

Public Sector - apprenticeship targets

The public sector apprenticeship target was introduced by government in April 2017 in accordance with The Public Sector Apprenticeship Targets Regulations 2017.  Public sector bodies, including...