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149 results found

Switching tracker

Data collected from face-to-face research with UK adults about switching between service provider in the communications market

% of the panel who speak negatively about the council

% of the panel who speak negatively about the council

Photographic negatives of BGS large scale maps

Photographic negatives of Geological map 'Standards', manuscript and published maps produced by the Survey on County Series (1:10560) and National Grid (1:10560 & 1:10000) Ordnance Survey base...

Collaborative Deer Management Priority Areas

The Forestry Commission and Natural England are working with the Deer Initiative Ltd to improve the collaborative management of deer in priority areas. These areas are focused on concentrations of...

Dedication Woodland Grant Scheme England

The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was introduced...

Brownfield Register Lancaster City Council 2018

The council republished its brownfield land register data on 25th June 2018. The register will be updated annually. The data identifies 54 brownfield sites, all of the sites on the register are...

Brownfield Register

The council republished its brownfield land register data on 25th June 2018. The register will be updated annually. The data identifies 54 brownfield sites, all of the sites on the register are...

Brownfield Register

The council republished its brownfield land register data on 25th June 2018. The register will be updated annually. The data identifies 54 brownfield sites, all of the sites on the register are...

UK Visas and Immigration: migration and international operations

The number of decisions made within service standards in each quarter and compares these volumes with the overall number of decisions made on new cases and all cases. This includes all decisions on...

NI 018 Adult re-offending rates for those under probation supervision

This indicator measures the percentage of adult offenders (aged 18 and over) on the probation caseload who are proven to have re-offended within three months from the month the snapshot was taken...

Habitat point records from 1996 Harding Inner Firth of Forth sublittoral survey

Survey of the Inner Firth of Forth using grab samples. Carried out as part of an MSC thesis, with a view to re-introducing oysters to the Firth. The times at which samples were taken was not...

Granted European Protected Species Applications

This dataset contains granted European Protected Species licence applications issued by Natural England. These licences allow the Licence holders to take action to safeguard European Protected...

Sustainable Transport Strategy - Cars

This forms part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy Resource Library, please click here for more information. Car driving in London is one of the biggest contributors to poor air quality in...

Historic Environment Scotland (WMS)

This Web Map Service combines all the spatial data available from Historic Environment Scotland. The layers have not been fused and can be switched on and off independently of each other.

FCA Understanding mortgage prisoners

Following the FCA's Policy Statement on the changes to the responsible lending rules, it has published further data on the mortgage prisoner population. The FCA's Mortgage Market Study estimated...

Northern Ireland Otter Survey Database

As part of a scheme to monitor the distribution of otters throughout the UK, two otter surveys in Northern Ireland have been carried out covering the years 1980-81 (funded by The Vincent Wildlife...

UK Biodiversity Indicator B1b, Area of forestry land certified as sustainably managed

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator B1b, Area of forestry land certified as sustainably managed. Woodland certification assesses management practices against...

What drives and resists plate sinking through the transition zone? (NERC grant NE/J008028/1)

Tables of characteristic parameters for each model used in paper Agrusta et al. 2014, The effect of metastable pyroxene on the slab dynamics, DOI: 10.1002/2014GL062159 Tables of characteristic...

PLA LDF Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation

SINC: Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. SINCs are designated by a panel of local ecological professionals. This is a non-statutory designation, although SINCs are still afforded a high...

Forecast Budget Outturn (£000s Overspent / -Underspent) (excluding contingency) - CYC

Forecast Budget Outturn (£000s Overspent / -Underspent) (excluding contingency) - CYC This measure gives an understanding of the planning process of the council's expenditure. It gives the...