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Items of expenditure over £25,000

Individual items of British Council spend over £25,000. This information is published in line with UK Central Government commitment's transparency commitment in 2010 and also under the requirments...

Children Looked After

Individual child level collection from Local Authorities on looked after children in England, including children adopted from care and care leavers.

Water Framework Directive Classification Item Hierarchy

This spreadsheet defines the relationships between Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification items. Classifications are arranged according to the classification hierarchy. Data are sourced...

Library Catalogue New Items

An RSS Feed of new items added to the WCC Library Catalogue. Data Items include: Title, Author, Category (may be multiple) and a Description which includes the ISBN reference and year of publication.

Newcastle Libraries catalogue items

Extract from the Library Management System (LMS) showing the items held in the libraries' catalogue. Due to a change of LMS in 2018 different fields are available from 2018 onwards.   Additional...

Outcomes for Children Looked After

Information on the educational attainment, special educational needs, absence and exclusions of children looked after is obtained through matching children looked after data with data in the...

Children Looked After Data

Data on children looked after by local authorities in England is collected via annual returns known as the SSDA903 return from English local authorities. Data are collected at individual child...

Defence Logistic Information Item of Supply Information System (ISIS)

Includes information on standards

Tree Preservation Orders schedule items

The dataset contains polygons for Tree Preservation Order Schedule Items within the London Borough of Barnet. Tree Preservation Orders are made by the local planning authority to protect specific...

Outcomes indicators for children looked after

Aggregate level information from local authorities on outcomes of children looked after in England, including attainment, health, convictions and substance misuse.

Outcome indicators for looked-after children

Numbers of children looked after for at least twelve months, and general information about their education. Eligibility and performance of looked after children in Key Stage 3 tasks and tests,...

Outcome Indicators for Looked After Children

This statistical bulletin presents information on children and young people looked after continuously for at least 12 months at 30 September, gathered from Health & Social Care Trusts. It...

Business spending on capital items

Provides information for the national accounts and economists. It is also used to calculate weights for combining appropriate producer price indices for deflating the quarterly capital expenditure...

Children Looked After by Local Authorities in England

Provides information about looked after children in England. The figures are based on data from the SSDA903 return collected from all 150 English local authorities. Source agency:...

Adoption of Looked After Children, Northern Ireland

This statistical bulletin presents summary information on children adopted from care in Northern Ireland during the year ending 31 March. It is based on the biennial adoption survey (AD1) completed...

Children looked after in England by category of need

Children who are living in care or foster placements and their reasons for being looked after (family trauma, disability etc.) Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher:...

Looked-after children

Information on looked-after children

Items over £25k 2017-18

Monthly spend over £25k for 2017-18

Outcomes for Children Looked After by Local Authorities in England

This publication covers a range of outcome indicators for children who have been continuously looked after for at least 12 months in England. Source agency: Education Designation: National...

UK Strategic Export Control Lists: The Consolidated List of Strategic Military and Dual-Use Items

The listing of strategic controlled goods which might require an export licence. The list incorporates the UK Military List and the EU Dual-Use List.