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Soil gas sampling and analysis method test results

The dataset contains details of field collection of test soil gas samples with use of Supel Inert Foil gas sampling bags and the results of methane and ethane measurements performed in order to...

JNCC's Marine Monitoring Method Finder

The Marine Monitoring Method Finder brings together a wide range of monitoring guidelines and procedures, and makes them readily available for use via a spreadsheet tool and search bar on our...

Method of Travel to Work

Data showing how people travel to work in Plymouth.

Method of Municipal Waste Management in the UK in 2010/11

Method of Municipal Waste Management in the UK in 2010/11

A systematic review of common measurement methods of global soil protease activity between 1970-2020

The dataset contains global soil protease activities and common methodological parameters (i.e. fluorometric and colorimetric analysis) used to measure soil protease activity between 1970-2020. The...

Analytical Methods in Feedstuffs

Development of analytical methods to detect residues of active ingredients in feedstuffs

Soil Nutrient Balances UK

Soil nutrient balances provide a method for estimating the annual nutrient loadings of nitrogen and phosphorus to agricultural soils and hence provide an indication of the potential risk associated...

Soil Nutrient Balances England

Soil nutrient balances provide a method for estimating the annual nutrient loadings of nitrogen and phosphorus to agricultural soils and hence provide an indication of the potential risk associated...

Influences of soil type on forest growth (Cloich 2005)

Summarising, the objectives of the Cloich project were: To identify the influence of underlying soil & lithology on forest growth of up to 30 years; To select cross-sectional discs of tree...

Peaty Soils Location

The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership...

Peaty Soils Location

The Peat Layer was produced by Natural England (ARM team) during June-October 2008, with the aim of identifying the extent of three classes of peaty soils for the purposes of the Partnership...

Survey of Agricultural Production Methods

Statistics on Scottish Agricultural Production Methods Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Alternative Plant Protection Methods

Evaluation of the potential of bio-active factors from a wasp venom (a phenoloxidase and rVPr3 (insect immunosuppressive protein)) to reduce pesticide usage by improving biological control strategies.

Bystander Volatile Method Development

Development of air sampling methodology in support of determining risk of bystander and resident exposure to pesticides

Cost effective methods to measure extent and condition of habitats: Earth Observation Phase 3

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Phase 1 of the Making Earth observation work for conservation series of research projects created the Crick Framework, which...

Annex I Sandbanks in the UK version 3 - 2019 Methods document

This document contains methodology for producing the Annex I Sandbanks dataset for the Article 17 2019 reporting round. 'Sandbank' here refers to the habitat (1110) listed under Annex I of EC...

Annex I Reefs in UK offshore waters (2019) - methods document

This document contains methodology for producing the Annex I Reefs dataset for the Article 17 2019 reporting round, covered under the Habitats Directive. Areas of protected reef can be viewed on...

Long term effects of whole tree harvesting on soil carbon (Falstone 2009)

Kielder (Flastone 7) is the the oldest whole tree harvesting experiments in Europe. The site is currently a 34-year-old second rotation stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), in Kielder forest,...

Soil CO2 exchange data from the Alice Holt plantation tower (2012-2016)

These data give the approximately fortnightly measurements of soil CO2 efflux in the Straits Inclosure, Alice Holt Forest, Hampshire, UK. The site is a mature productive oak (Quercus robur L.)...

GLA 'New Methods' Conference 30th September 2019

Notes and slides from the Conference at City Hall on 30 September 2019 examining the role of new approaches, methods and tools in helping shape public policy and the delivery of public services on...