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12 results found

Method validation of IC-ICPMS with chlorine removal for phosphite analysis (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Method development for trace-level analyses of phosphite in chloride-rich matrices. Dataset includes linearity data from the ion chromatograph (IC) in stand-alone mode and coupled to the...

Landscape Map of Scotland

The map reflects the great diversity of landscapes within the country, and the regional distinctiveness which that creates. Together with the accompanying descriptions and photographs, the areas...

British Virgin Islands multibeam bathymetry data

A multibeam echosounder survey was undertaken in July/August 2014 as part of the Darwin Plus funded project (DPLUS026) in the British Virgin Islands. The survey was undertaken from the MV Rhone...

British Virgin Islands multibeam backscatter data

A multibeam echosounder survey was undertaken in July/August 2014 as part of the Darwin Plus funded project (DPLUS026) in the British Virgin Islands. The survey was undertaken from the MV Rhone...

Anak Krakatau hydroacoustic data - Seismic and multibeam bathymetry (NERC Grant NE/T002034/1)

Single Channel seismic data, Sound source - 8kJ Sparker; Recorder - EG&G 8 element marine hydrophone (streamer), stored in jpeg and SEGY files. Multibeam bathymetric data recorded by Teledyne...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2007/1; White Ribbon Survey in Montrose Basin (20/01/2007 - 25/01/2007)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical and multibeam survey took place in January 2007 in the white ribbon area of the Montrose Basin on board the Kommander Iona. The purpose was...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Multibeam Survey 2005/1: Firth of Forth (01/Mar/2005 to 03/Mar/2005)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical and multibeam survey took place in March 2005 in the area underneath and around the Forth bridges on board Fathoms Ltd's Multi Purpose Vessel...

Water depth of the South Saskatchewan River, Canada, 2015-2017, measured by single beam echo sounder

Data were collected in 2015 and 2016 to provide information about spatial variations in water depth and river bed morphology (including bedform height) on the South Saskatchewan River, Canada....

Welsh Fishermen’s Association (WFA-CFC) (WFACPC) 2021 Welsh Fishermen’s Association - Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru (WFA-CPC) Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC Benthic and Geophysical surveys

Within the project (WFA-CPC EMFF Protecting Our Seas), benthic and geophysical surveys were undertaken in the Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC to explore the location of Sabellaria alveolata reefs,...

2021 Welsh Fishermen’s Association - Cymdeithas Pysgotwyr Cymru (WFA-CPC) Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC Benthic and Geophysical surveys

MEDIN Data. Within the project (WFA-CPC EMFF Protecting Our Seas), benthic and geophysical surveys were undertaken in the Severn Esturary/Môr Hafren SAC to explore the location of Sabellaria...

Lincs Belt Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Acoustic Data - 2012

Multibeam sonar survey covering Survey Lincs Belt MCZ in 2012,A RESON SeaBat 7101 high resolution multi-beam echo sounder system was used to collect a high density bathymetry data set within the...

Strain measurements on 21 trees in Wytham Woods, UK

This data contains the strain and wind data collected for 21 trees in Wytham Woods, a mature temperate woodland in southern England, from September 2015 to June 2016. This data was collected in...