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2,315 results found

Resident population

Data showing the usual resident population of Plymouth including data on: sex; households; communal establishments; school children/full-time student; area and density.

Notice to Improve Improvement action plans

Notice To Improve - Improvement action plans provider specific

Improving Public Engagement Survey January 2016

Improving Public Engagement (closed 20 January 2016) Our Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee reviewed the potential for improving public engagement, the take up of services through digital...

Residents Parking Zones

Residents Parking Zones

Residents Parking Zones

Areas where residents parking permits are in operation

Residents Parking Control

This defines the times when resident parking bays are operational

Residents' Surveys LATEST

Page provides links to the latest analysis of Camden Residents' Surveys.

Hospital admissions - Residents: Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Total

Improvement Action Plans

Improvement Action Plans (Notice to Improve) follow on from notice to improve, sets out expectations and timescales.

Transport Improvements

Local Plan Review Proposed Modifications 2005 - Development plan for the city. Transport Improvements.

Corporate Improvement Framework Consultation 2024/25

This is the results of the Corporate Improvement Framework consultation with residents, partners, businesses and elected members. This is the start of our continuous improvement journey as we set...


This is a polygon dataset that shows Environmental Improvement areas as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area

% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area *This indicator is discontinued

Travel by Scottish residents

Journeys made by all members of the household (including children). Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Travel by Scottish...

Improving National Accounts

This article highlights the work being carried out to improve the measurement of deposits and loans held by UK Private Non-Financial Corporations (PNFCs) with overseas banks. It is the first in a...

Hospital admissions - Residents: 65+ Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: 65+ Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Male Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Male Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Female Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Female Total

Highway Improvement Schemes

Planned highway improvement schemes

Proposed Walking Improvements

Proposed Walking Improvements in the City of London