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NI 089b - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures - Average time in special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

NI 089a - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures - Number of schools in special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

NI 089 - Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

Council Tax Requirement

This dataset shows the total amount of council tax income that each authority has budgeted to use in the forthcoming financial year. It shows the amounts charged to a Band D property, the taxbase,...

NI 089 Reduction of number of schools judged as requiring special measures and improvement in time taken to come out of the category

The number of failing schools. A failing school is one judged on inspection by Ofsted to be providing inadequate education and lacking the capacity to improve, and therefore placed in special...

Special Designation Area

Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

Special Designation Line

Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

Special Designation Point

Special Designations are statutory and advisory designations that can be applied to protect a highway when street or road works are to be undertaken. A Special Designation feature will reference...

Special consideration in GCSE and A level

Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Awarding organisations are required to have procedures...

Special consideration in GCSE and GCE

Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Ofqual collects and reports information on the total...

TSP 3: UK Armed Forces Strengths and Requirements

Strengths and requirements of the UK Armed Forces. Please note that this publication is no longer produced following consultation. Details can be found on the DASA website by following the link...

Losses and special payments

A master register is maintained recording details of special payments made and losses (including losses due to theft) incurred by the Department throughout the financial year. The majority of the...

Special Adviser paybands

The paybands for Special Advisers in the UK Government.

Tax-exempt Special Savings Accounts (TESSA)

Data on Tax-exempt Special Savings Accounts (TESSA)

Special Adviser numbers and costs

The following data sets of special adviser numbers and paybands have been released, they list the names of the special advisers in post at various times, including each special adviser’s pay band,...

Special Educational Needs in England

Provides information on the incidence and placement of pupils with SEN together with analyses on the characteristics of pupils by their stage of SEN. Source agency: Education Designation:...

The special severance payment database

Ensures that completion of the MOD pro-forma to Treasury is consistently applied across the Department and provides lessons learnt for PRG improvement.

Losses and Special Payments Register

List of losses and special payments

TSP 2: UK Armed Forces Full Time Strengths and Trained Requirements

Full time strengths and trained requirements of the UK armed forces. Please note that this publication is no longer produced, following consultation. Details can be found on the DASA website by...

Special Health Authorities

Special Health Authorities Contains: Codes for Special Health Authorities in England (note that Special HAs tend to be national organisations rather than administering a particular area of...