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        Renewable Energy Statistics

        The DOE Planning Portal provides provisional Renewable Energy statistics based on NI planning applications. Tables are available for Renewable Energy applications and decisions by type, Local...

        Estate Renewal

        Approved initial investment to bring forward the Council's ambition to improve both the quality and number of homes available in the borough through an estate renewal programme.

        Schools Renewables - Cost (£)

        Schools Renewables - Cost (£)

        Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

        Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

        Housing Renewal Area

        Housing Renewal Area located within Hastings Borough Council administrative area. The extent is recorded as a polygon. The renewal area provides a framework for co-ordinating a range of activity...

        Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Renewable Heat Premium Payments (RHPP) quarterly statistics

        This quarterly release provides a summary of the deployment of renewable heat technologies under the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and Renewable Heat Premium Payments (RHPP)...

        Housing Renewal Areas

        Areas within the Councils administrative area that have been designated as a Housing Renewal Area. Areas are recorded as a polygon.

        Renewable Energy Schemes

        Areas of potential identified as a result of the 2010 Decentralised and Zero Carbon Energy Planning’ study. There is no information on existing renewable energy schemes.

        Hackney Estate Renewal

        Approved initial investment to bring forward the Council's ambition to improve both the quality and number of homes available in the borough through an estate renewal programme.

        Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD)

        The Renewable Energy Planning Database (REPD) tracks the progress of renewable energy projects from planning application, through to consent, construction and operation.

        NatureScot Renewables WMS

        This service contains layers with data about renewable energy developments and locational guidance for developers.

        Corporate Renewables - Activity (kWh)

        Corporate Renewables - Activity (kWh)

        Schools Renewables - CO2 (kg)

        Schools Renewables - CO2 (kg)

        Corporate Renewables - CO2 (kg)

        Corporate Renewables - CO2 (kg)

        Schools Renewables - Activity (kWh)

        Schools Renewables - Activity (kWh)

        NatureScot Renewables WFS

        This WFS provides feature access to the data about renewable energy production in Scotland. It also contains data about the results of various Peatland Action related restoration and survey projects.

        Allerdale Renewal Area Land Charge

        Renewal Areas recorded as Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent

        Renewable Energy Sites - Aberdeenshire

        Many local authorities collect details of where the renewable energy sites are within their jurisdiction. Although other parties purport to have such lists, we would like to collate what local...

        Scottish Natural Heritage Renewables WMS

        This service contains layers with data about renewable energy developments and locational guidance for developers.

        Allerdale Policy Renewable Energy

        Allerdale Planning Policy on Renewable Energy defined under the 1999 Allerdale Local Plan. Expressed as polygons. Policy updated in 2014 to 2029 with actual end date being indeterminate as...