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3,037 results found

FOI & EIR - Total Received

FOI & EIR - Total Received The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) was intended to promote a culture of openness and accountability by giving people the right to access information held by...

FOI & EIR - Total Received - (YTD)

FOI & EIR - Total Received - (YTD). The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) was intended to promote a culture of openness and accountability by giving people the right to access...

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received - (YTD)

FOI (Freedom of Information) - Total Received - (YTD)

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received - (YTD)

EIR (Environmental Information Regulations) - Total Received - (YTD)

Total number of Adults receiving paid packages of care - (Snapshot)

Total number of Adults receiving paid packages of care - (Snapshot)

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received - (YTD)

DP (Data Protection Act) / SAR (Subject Access Request) - Total Received - (YTD)

Gifts received by ministers in Defra

A quarterly-updated list of all gifts received by ministers and whether they were kept. Please note that subsequent data is now being published on GOV.UK and can be accessed using the link...

Hospitality received by ministers in Defra

A quarterly-updated list of all hospitality received by ministers. Please note that subsequent data is now being published on GOV.UK and can be accessed using the link...

Hospitality Received by FCO Ministers

Details of Hospitality received by FCO Ministers

Summary of Incident Notifications received by the Food Standards Agency

The information has been extracted from the Incidents Database and provides a summary of incident notifications received and managed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA). The information is being...

HM Revenue & Customs Board Members' Hospitality Received

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) information about hospitality received by HMRC senior managers. HMRC releases information about hospitality received by board members quarterly. The...

FSA Core Tables Total Departmental Spending

Core Tables as required by FReM detailing the FSA’s Total Departmental Spending over the period 2012/13 to 2019/20

Email Traffic

Total number of emails sent and received across the FSA PSN network per month.

FCO Special Advisers Hospitality Received

Details of Hospitality received by FCO Special Advisers

Hospitality received by special advisers in Defra

A quarterly-updated list of all hospitality received by special advisers. These datasets are now updated at this location:...

Schools receiving Leadership Incentive Grant

The Leadership Incentive Grant (LIG) is available to all mainstream secondary schools with over 35% of students eligible for free school meals in January 2002, or with under 30% of students...

Employees receiving job-related training

Employees receiving job-related training Source: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), Annual Population Survey (APS) Publisher: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills...