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School locations in Nottinghamshire. This data only includes publicly accessible schools and academies, and does not contain independent (private) schools.

Junior Schools

Dataset showing Junior Schools located with the Councils administrative area. Individual Junior Schools are recorded as points. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Infant Schools

Dataset showing Infant Schools located with the Councils administrative area. Individual Infant Schools are recorded as points. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

Secondary Schools

Dataset showing Secondary Schools located with the Councils administrative area. Individual Secondary Schools are recorded as points. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have...

School Admissions

This dataset shows school admissions, number of places offered for a given intake year at each school at annual National Offer Day (01 March - Secondary, and 16 April - Primary/Junior - these dates...

School Term Dates

This data shows recommended School Term Dates for the current and next school year. Lincolnshire County Council sets the term dates for all community and voluntary-controlled schools. These dates...

School Capacity Projections

This data shows Actual and Projected Pupil Numbers and Capacity of Schools by local authority district. 'Actual' figures provided are based on October school census data for the relevant year of...

Southend Schools

This dataset shows the location of the schools within Southend. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

Rochford Schools

This dataset shows the location of Schools within the Rochford District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence – INSPIRE

School Census - Nursery Schools

School Census information - Nursery Schools

School Census - Primary Schools

School Census Information - Primary Schools

School Revenue Balances

Local Authorities are required under section 52 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 to prepare and submit an education outturn statement (containing details of the actual expenditure...

NI 198c - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 5-10 - by public transport

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198o - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 5-16 - by public transport

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

NI 198i - Children travelling to school - mode of transport usually used - Pupils aged 11-16 - by public transport

Proportion of school aged children in full time education travelling to school by the mode of travel that they usually use. Mode of transport is defined as six modes: cars, including vans and...

School Census - Special Schools

Schools Census information regarding pupils at special schools in Northern Ireland

Complaints About Schools

The Department for Education is committed to continuous improvement in its handling of complaints about schools. The completed report covers complaints that relate to state funded schools...

Free School Meals - Secondary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Secondary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Free School Meals - Primary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Lincolnshire Schools

This dataset contains information about open Lincolnshire schools. It includes details about the schools' governance, phase, intake and location. The data is updated monthly to reflect the state...