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1,047 results found

Psychological therapy staff

Number of psychologists per 100k population (weighted for need) Source: Mental Health Observatory: North East Public Health Observatory (NEPHO) Publisher: Mental Health Observatory: North East...

HPI: Psychological morbidity

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Psychological morbidity Source: Department of Health (DoH), ONS Mid Year Estimates, ONS suicide counts, DWP (SDA and Incapacity Benefit datasets),...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

Risk Support System database

Risk and Intelligence Service database which holds a list of the risked based enquiries and cases to be worked by compliance officers (typically in Local Compliance). Updated: ad hoc. Data...

EWCO - Flood Risk Management

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation to help reduce flood risk by slowing flood flows and increasing the retention and infiltration of water on the...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Monthly Dataset

This statistical release makes available the most recent Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) final monthly data. This series replaces the previous Quarterly IAPT Reports, last...

Psychological Therapies, Annual Report on the use of IAPT Services

The experimental figures presented in this annual report provide a picture of activity in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services and of the people that used them. The IAPT...

Phytophthora Ramorum Risk Zones GB

The boundaries of the risk zones are kept under review as the situation develops. The risk zones are used to inform felling guidance, details of English policy can be found in Operations Note...

Operational risk registers

Operational risks that are being actively managed by the Procurement Policy and Capability Team

List of Educational Psychology Trainees

Educational psychology training is a three year doctorate programme. NCTL train on average 120 annually and share the cost with employers. There are contractual implications for both trainees...

Psychological Therapies Waiting Times

Waiting Times for Psychology Services. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

Educational Psychology Workforce Survey

Annual survey of the local authority educational psychology services. Data collected includes the number of full and or part time or on maternity leave educational psychologists and assistant...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Quarterly Dataset Reports

The Improving Access Psychological Therapies (IAPT) data set is a regular return of data generated by providers of IAPT services in the course of delivering these services to patients. The data...

Monthly Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data Quality Reports

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) data set is a regular return of data generated by providers of NHS-commissioned IAPT services in England (including services provided by...

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Key Performance Indicators

The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme is designed to support the NHS in delivering by 2014/2015: Evidence-based psychological therapies, as approved by the National...

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Risk Band

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer showing risk of flooding from multiple sources, grouped into 4 bands. Our Risk of Flooding from...

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Risk Contribution

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer showing the proportion of the combined risk resulting from the primary flood source input...

Indicative Flood Risk Areas - Communities at Risk data

PLEASE NOTE: this dataset has been retired. It has been superseded by data for Flood Risk Areas: Shapefile for...

GPS operational risk registers

Operational risks that are being actively managed

Online DSE Risk Assessments

A bought in online package where staff can do a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) risk assessment on line and any difficulties are highlighted for a trained assessor to visit them to go through and...