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Private Registered Providers of Social Housing

Contact details for organisations registered with the Home & Communities Agency as providers of social housing. This is an experimental data set.

Additional units of intermediate affordable housing provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding)

Additional units of intermediate affordable housing provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding). Intermediate affordable housing is the sum of intermediate rent and low cost home...

Private Registered Provider Social Housing Stock in England: Statistical Data Return

This annual survey is run by the Homes and Communities Agency and is completed by all Private Registered Providers of social housing in England. It includes data on size and type of home, location,...

Private Registered Provider housing in the Cambridge housing sub-region

This data is based on the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Statistical Data Return (SDR) as at 31 March 2014. It provides a list of Private Registered Providers (FKA registered social landlords,...

Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings...

Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings...

Additional affordable dwellings provided (by LA providing funding) (annual)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings...

Private Registered Provider housing in our area

This data is based on the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Statistical Data Return (SDR). It provides a list of Private Registered Providers (including registered social landlords, housing...

Social Housing Stock by Local Authority and Private Registered Provider

The Statistical Data Return is an annual survey completed by all Private Registered Providers (PRPs) in England and includes data on size and type of home, location and rents over the year....

Additional affordable dwellings provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding)

Additional affordable housing provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding). Affordable housing is defined as the sum of social rent, intermediate rent and low cost home ownership....

Outstanding providers list

The outstanding providers list includes early years registered providers, maintained schools, independent schools, colleges and providers of work-based learning, adult education and children’s...

Childcare providers and places

A publication detailing childcare providers and places. Source agency: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Housing market and house prices

There are a large number of Housing spreadsheets that provide the latest, most useful or most popular data, presented by type and other variables, including by geographical area or on a temporal...

Additional social rent dwellings provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding)

Additional social rent dwellings provided by local authority area (by LA providing funding). These include new builds and acquisitions by the Local Authority Source: Communities and Local...

Social care providers and places

This is a publication detailing the current social care providers and places. Source agency: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Designation: Official Statistics not...

Housing stock

Information on the housing stock in England. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics

Housing in England

Housing data on tenure, owner occupation and the social rented sector; principle source of information about the private sector.

Housing in England

Housing data on tenure, owner occupation and the social rented sector; principle source of information about the private sector. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation:...

NI 154 Net additional homes provided

Number of net increases in dwelling stock over one year. The net increase in dwelling stock over one year is calculated as the sum of new build completions, minus demolitions, plus any gains or...

NI 154 - Net additional homes provided

Number of net increases in dwelling stock over one year. The net increase in dwelling stock over one year is calculated as the sum of new build completions, minus demolitions, plus any gains or...