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16 results found

Working Time Opt Out

Record of employees who have opted out of the European Working Time Directive

Care Information Choices

Data on patient opt-out information received from GP Practices. There are two types of opt-out: * A type 1 opt-out prevents information being shared outside a GP practice for purposes other than...

Jamaica Database

Details of applicants who applied through a Jamaican OPT in 2008. Used in reference to applicant enquiries.

Fiji Database

Database of Fijian applicants who applied to join the Army through one of the Fiji OPTs in 2008.

South West Area Contacts

Database of woodland owners and managers and other customers and stakeholders in the South West. Names, addresses and emails compiled from grants and licences databases and others who have opted...

North West and West Midlands Area Contacts

Database of woodland owners and managers and other customers and stakeholders in the North West and West Midlands. Names, addresses and emails compiled from grants and licences databases and...

Camden Members' Allowances

As per the Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) Regulations 2003, payments were made to councillors and other co-opted members for 1 April to 31 March each year as follows. All payments were...

Improving Public Engagement Survey January 2016

Improving Public Engagement (closed 20 January 2016) Our Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee reviewed the potential for improving public engagement, the take up of services through digital...

Members Allowances

This dataset shows Members Allowances. The dataset shows the allowances paid to elected and co-opted members of Lincolnshire County Council in the financial year. Details of the allowances and...

Child Obesity and Excess Weight

Child Obesity and Excess Weight data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP, published by Public Health England). NCMP data is an annual survey of children attending state schools,...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR03896

Survey name: Aylesbury, Berryfield (Aylesbury Vale LP - Opt. A (West) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCR03996

Survey name: Aylesbury, Broughton (Aylesbury Vale LP - Opt. A (East) Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for...

Density Functional Theory Calculations of Rare Earth Systems (NERC Grant NE/M01147X/1)

This data set contains example input and output files from density functional theory calculations of rare earth systems, using the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP), The data set it split...

The 2014 Internet User Classification (IUC), LSOA

This bespoke geodemographic classification maps the geography of digital consumers within England by combining over seventy measures selected from survey and lifestyle data, alongside census and...

Leeds schools energy costs

**This data set is no longer updated. The information it contains is included in the** [**council energy consumption data set.**]( ...

Daytime Population, Borough

Daytime population - The estimated number of people in a borough in the daytime during an average day, broken down by component sub-groups. The figures given are an average day during school...