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Provider contracts

Provider contracts: contains sensitive financial information.

Childcare Providers

Details of childcare providers in Barnet

Provider database

Contains personal contact details for all contracted providers to enable them to receive Update

Cycling Network - Scotland

Many local authorities capture details of the cycle network within their jurisdiction. These may be lanes along roads or segregated paths away from vehicles. This dataset attempts to pull anything...

HEATH Habitat Network

In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building capacity to deliver Nature...

Reedbed Habitat Network

In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building capacity to deliver Nature...

POND Habitat Network

In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building capacity to deliver Nature...

Bog Habitat Network

In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building capacity to deliver Nature...

River Habitat Network

In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building capacity to deliver Nature...

FEN Habitat Network

In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building capacity to deliver Nature...

Lake Habitat Network

In 2020, with generous funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ulster Wildlife, National Trust NI, RSPB NI and Woodland Trust NI came together to start building capacity to deliver Nature...

Neighbourhood network schemes

Data set of Neighbourhood network schemes in Leeds who support people aged over 50 by providing activities, friendship groups and opportunities to socialise.

Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings provided...

Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings provided...

Additional affordable dwellings provided (by LA providing funding) (annual)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings provided...

Outstanding providers list

The outstanding providers list includes early years registered providers, maintained schools, independent schools, colleges and providers of work-based learning, adult education and children’s...

Priority Ecological Networks

Priority Ecological Networks (PENs) in the terrestrial environment are versions of the all-Wales habitat networks that show areas of connectivity between Protected Sites, and as such provide...

Cycle network

The Cycle Network Map is a GIS database of existing and proposed cycle routes in Bristol, used by BCC for maintaining and planning the cycle network. It includes the strategic cycle network,...

Fife Cycle Network (WFS)

WFS Service provides download capabilities for details of the Cycle Network in Fife

Provider allocation comparisons

Yorkshire and Humber Provider allocation comparisons