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        Over 25K Expenditure report November 2018

        Marine Laboratory

        Data showing various data collected by Plymouth Marine Laboratory's E1 Data Buoy. The buoy is located about 20 miles south of Plymouth and collects data such as sea temperature, salinity and...

        Abstract of Statistics for Benefits, National Insurance Contributions, and Indices of Prices and Earnings

        A compendium publication of benefit rates, RPI, AEI and benefit...

        DWP Quarterly Statistical Summary

        Statistical summary aiming to give users a structured overview of the National Statistics published by the Department for Work and Pensions...

        Six Month Offer Stats

        Take up of Recruitment Subsidy. Self Employment Work Focused Training and Volunteering initiatives introduced in April 2009 as part of the Government's response to the economic...

        Pre-Work Programme Employment Support Measures

        From May 2012 this publication will be replaced by 2 new publications under the titles ‘Get Britain Working Measures’ and ‘Mandatory Programmes’. This publication ended in November 2016....

        Experimental Early Estimates for Income Support Lone Parents and Incapacity Benefits Working Age Client groups

        These figures provide early estimates and are designed to give indicative, timely information; they are not a substitute for the National Statistics. The early estimates will be replaced by the...

        National Insurance Contributions and Qualifying Years

        This release provides the latest estimates on people who have paid National Insurance contributions since 1978/79. The figures show all the contribution types that a person has paid during the...

        Automatic Cycle Counters

        Automatic cycle counters, installed at over forty sites in the city, record the number of bikes that pass over the counter loops. Inductive loops (metal detectors) in the cycleway (or highway)...

        Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) register of licence holders.

        The public register of AALA licence holders is a legislative requirement (regulation 13 of The Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 2004). The register has been publicly available since...

        Northern Ireland Inshore Marine Conservation Zones

        This GIS layer describes the boundaries of 5 Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs); 4 were designated in December 2016, under the Marine Act (Northern Ireland) 2013 and Strangford Lough Marine Nature...

        Carbon and nitrogen flux, meteorological, management and soil data from a grazed, cut and fertilised temperate grassland in south east Scotland

        This dataset contains measured daily values of precipitation, air and soil temperature, soil water content, measured net ecosystem exchange (NEE) fluxes using eddy covariance, calculated gross...

        London’s Urban Heat Island - During A Warm Summer

        For an urban heat island map during an average summer [see this dataset.](/dataset/london-s-urban-heat-island---average-summer) A heatwave refers to a prolonged period of unusually hot...

        Modelled estimates of recent births

        Modelled estimates of annual live births by year ending date. Official birth estimates from ONS are considered very accurate, but the lag between the end of the period covered and the publication...