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125 results found

Scheduled Monuments

Scheduled monuments are nationally important monuments and sites. The aim of scheduling is to preserve sites and monuments as far as possible in the form in which they have come down to us today. ...

Ancient Monuments

Ancient monuments in Calderdale including location, name and date - Data from Historic England - []( More information can be found on the...

Ancient Monuments

Ancient Monuments

Scheduled Monuments (WMS)

Scheduled monuments are nationally important monuments and sites. The aim of scheduling is to preserve sites and monuments as far as possible in the form in which they have come down to us today. ...

Ancient Monuments

Location of Ancient Monuments in Sheffield.

Bristol Monuments

The Bristol Historic Environment Record (HER) Monuments dataset provides details of over 3000 archaeological and historic structures (designated and undesignated) within the administrative area of...

Ancient Monuments

Land and property registered as an Ancient Monument.

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

A scheduled monument is an historic building or site that is included in the Schedule of Monuments kept by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. The regime is set out in the Ancient...

Heritage Monuments

Heritage Monuments that the City Corporation are responsible for maintaining.

Sites and Monuments Record

This is a points dataset showing the locations of all archaeological monuments recorded in the Northern Ireland Sites and Monuments Record (SMR).

Archaeological Monuments

Archaeological monuments around the city of York. Some of the records have reports attached to them externally hosted. They can be retrieved by navigating to the url displayed on the relevant...

World War II Monuments

This feature class based dataset has multiple layers that comes with the coordinates (location) and visually represent the locations of World War II Monuments. These monuments may be directly...

Scheduled Monuments

Policy from the Runnymede Borough Council 2030 Local Plan (Adopted 16th July 2020). Designated as Policy EE7, this dataset shows the Scheduled Monuments. The Runnymede Local Plan was adopted in...


This is an extract of ArcGIS created polygons showing the extent of Ancient Monument related information with the borough of Ashford, Kent.

Scheduled Monuments GIS Data

GIS spatial data for Scheduled Monuments, part of the National Heritage list for England. Scheduled monuments are represented by a polygon defining the extent of the statutorily protected...

Sites of Ancient Monuments

Sites of Ancient Monuments

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

Scheduled Ancient Monuments in York For further information about scheduled ancient monuments please visit the [City of York Council]( and [Heritage...

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

Location and details of monuments e.g. stone crosses and war memorials designated as protected within the Borough of Newcastle under Lyme. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to...

Scheduled Ancient Monument

Polygon data showing the location of each scheduled monument within the St Helens MBC boundary. The data is admimistered by Historic Engalnd and the table is updated when notification of change is...

Scheduled Historic Monument Areas

This is a polygon dataset containing the zones scheduled for protection under Article 3 of The Historic Monuments and Archaeological Objects (Northern Ireland) Order 1995.