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1,626 results found

Six Month Offer

The Six Month Offer (6MO) was a recruitment subsidy for job seekers that ended in March 2011. The data consists of qualitative research with customers, providers/brokers and employers; three waves...

Six Month Offer Stats

Take up of Recruitment Subsidy. Self Employment Work Focused Training and Volunteering initiatives introduced in April 2009 as part of the Government's response to the economic...

Department for Education 12 Months Leavers

List of named staff who have left the Department for Education in the last 12 months, including grades, locations, date of birth, gender, original hire date, leaving date and leaving reason.

NI 006 - Percentage who have given unpaid help at least once per month over the last 12 months

The indicator aims to create a culture in which individuals are able to contribute to their communities by volunteering. High levels of volunteering are one sign of strong, active communities....

NI 006 - Percentage who have given unpaid help at least once per month over the last 12 months

The indicator aims to create a culture in which individuals are able to contribute to their communities by volunteering. High levels of volunteering are one sign of strong, active communities....

Spend - Agency by month

Monthly spend on non-school agency staff.This information is published monthly.

Planning applications by month

This report shows the number of planning applications validated and approved each month since 1 January 2020 on the Planning London Datahub.

% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months

% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 12 months

% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months

% of children who received a 12 month review by the time they turned 15 months

UC Claimants By Ward By Month

Map and table of Universal Credit Claimants by Month and Ward covering the city of Leicester

Net Residential Approvals by Month

The number of residential units, net of losses, approved by month. This is the sum of residential units approved minus the units lost from planning permissions granted during the given month, as...

Outcome Indicators for Children Looked After, Twelve months to 30 September

Outcome indicators for children who have been looked after continuously for at least 12 months, including absences and exclusions, achievements, employment status, cautions and convictions,...


Compilation of maps of Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimants and/or JSA rates covering the London boroughs, Camden wards and Camden LSOAs in a single PDF document. Updated monthly to show the latest...

JSA Monthly Summary LATEST MONTH

JSA Unemployment in Camden Summary (PDF): Quick analysis of monthly JSA statistics and GLA calculated JSA rates for Camden. Updated to give the latest published monthly analysis. Previous summaries...

Organisations that submitted less than 300 applications in a 12 month period.

Organisations that submitted less than 300 applications in a 12 month period. Produced for an FoI request.

Six Month Offer Stats

Take up of Recruitment Subsidy, Self Employment Work Focused Training and Volunteering initiatives introduced in April 2009 as part of the Government's response to the economic downturn. This is a...

Records Storage Volume by Month

Excel sheet provided by Iron Mountain, showing volume of paper records in storage and monthly spend on off-site records service

Exports per month in 2008

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains the number of exports per month in 2008 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

Planning decisions within last 3 months

Locations affected by Planning decisions within the last 3 months. Locations are recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Health sector Registered and Umbrella Bodies - volumes in last 12 and 24 months

Data shows a list of Registered and Umbrella Bodies that contain ‘Trust’, ‘PCT’, ‘NHS’, Healthcare’, ‘Hospital’, ‘Primary Care Trust’, ‘National Health Service’ , ‘Foundation Trust’, ‘CCG’ and...