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1,025 results found

Mixed Sex Accommodation Breaches

Number of breaches of the policy on Mixed Sex Accommodation in relation to sleeping accomodation for the month, broken down by provider and commissioner. Source agency: Health Designation:...

Mixed Sex Accommodation Breaches

Number of breaches of the policy on Mixed Sex Accommodation in relation to sleeping accomodation for the month, broken down by provider and commissioner. Source agency: NHS England Designation:...

Energy Flow Chart

Energy production, trade, transformation, energy industry use & loses and consumption data. All charts are shown in million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) unless specified...

Mixed Commercial Development

Carlisle City Council Mixed Commercial Development. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE

Mixed Water Supply

Mixed water supply areas in Calderdale, saved as a .TAB file in a compressed (zipped) format. These files contains the shape, extent and location of mixed water supplies. Further infromation can...

Mixed Use Development

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Mixed Use Development and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

Mixed Use Allocations

Mixed Use Allocations

Mixed Development Sites

Sites identified in the Allocations Plan which are identified for mixed development, either as new development, redevelopment, conversion or a combination.

Mixed Use Sites

Mixed Use Sites as part of the Local Plan for North Hertfordshire District Council adopted in November 2022.

Pack Flow Summary

This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA361. (Known everywhere and presented as Pack Flow Summary) Provides the 4 Agencies’ amalgamated obligations for packaging entering the UK...

Packaging Flow Summary

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA361. Packaging Flow Summary, provides the 4 agencies amalgamated targets (obligations) for the UK, based on Producer figures. The data has been...

Flow Compliance Bands

This is a national picture of flow compliance with the environmental flow indicator shown for Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 river water bodies. The Environment Flow Indicator (EFI) is used to...

Overland Flow Pathways

The Most Probable Overland Flow Pathway dataset is a polyline GIS vector dataset that describes the likely flow routes of water along with potential accumulations of diffuse pollution and soil...

Pack Flow Summary

This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA361. (Known everywhere and presented as Pack Flow Summary) Provides the 4 Agencies’ amalgamated obligations for packaging entering the UK...

LDP Mixed Use Allocation

Allocated Mixed Use Sites designated in the Adopted Powys LDP (2011 - 2026) The Powys Local Development Plan (2011-2026) was adopted by Powys County Council on the 17th of April 2018 and became...

Mixed Use Development 2

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Mixed Use Development and was part of the Adopted Replacement Local Plan (2005)

Mixed Employment Recreation & Tourism

Sites allocated for use for mixed employment, recreation & tourism uses or for the intensification of these.

Free Flow Vehicle Speeds Statistics

This publication gives speeds on free flowing road traffic. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Free Flow Vehicle Speeds Statistics

Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimant flows

Monthly count of claimants who either a) were claiming Job Seekers allowance (stocks) on the count date, b) ended a claim (off-flows) during the previous accounting month or c) started a new claim...

Mixed Halogenated Dioxins

Mixed halogenated dioxins and biphenyls in food