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396 results found

BRNC - Medical - EMIS

Britannia Royal Naval College - Spreadsheet of medical records of all RN personnel serving in Britannia Royal Naval College and to record entries of emergency treatment to civilians.

Medical Referrals

Anonymous list sent to our medical provider.

Medical Tests

Record of medical tests for Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome and Audiology

Medical Discharge Report

Medical Discharges from the Armed Forces Source agency: Defence Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Medical Discharge

The Medical Profiles Project

The medical profile comprises of a suite of clinical indicators (7 chapters) about the medical care provided by an NHS board and its hospitals. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National...

Adverse Incident Reporting (medical devices)

adverse incidents involving medical devices. Continuous collection. Safety reportsconcerning medical devices - collection, analysis and response

Medical and Dental survey

An annual survey of medical and dental students which aims to measure the number of students beginning and completing studies in these areas.

NHS Workforce - Medical Staff

Provisional monthly figures for full time equivalent (FTE) NHS Hospital and Community Health Service medical staff working in NHS Trusts and CCGs in England.

Defence Medical Information Capability P

Royal Fleet Auxiliary - Diligence. Medical patient contact records, kept on a restriced database.

NHS Workforce Statistics: Non-Medical Staff

A detailed view of the NHS non-medical workforce including nurses, scientists and support staff. Excluding medical or dental doctors within the Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) and...

Emergency Services

shows the location of emergency service sites in lambeth

Approved Medical Examiner of Diving

Contains details of doctors that are appointed in writing by HSE to conduct statutory medicals to assess the fitness to work of divers, which is a regulatory requirement pre-employment and at...

NHS Workforce - Non Medical Staff

Provisional monthly figures for full time equivalent (FTE) NHS Hospital and Community Health Service non medical staff (including nurses) working in NHS Trusts and CCGs in England.

Emergency School Closures

Emergency School Closures including school name, closure status, reason and effective dates. Includes data since the system was introduced in 2009 and only where closures were recorded by schools...

Emergency Department Surveillance

Emergency Department Surveillance

Emergency Service Gazetteer

OS Emergency Services Gazetteer product provides a national, consistent, and maintained view of the locations and names of places and objects. This enables quick and accurate gazetteer searches and...

NHS Workforce Statistics: Medical and Dental Staff

A detailed view of the NHS Medical and dental workforce including consultants, registrars and other doctors in training. Data for medical and dental staff are an annual snapshot of the number of...

Accident & Emergency Care Statistics

This publication presents information on annual activity at emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. It details information on new attendances, planned & unplanned re-attendances,...

Emergency Care Waiting Times

Details information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. Emergency care waiting times by type of department is also presented to allow users to compare...

Accident and Emergency Activity

A&E activity; total time spent in A&E from arrival to admission, discharge or transfer and waiting for emergency admission through A&E. Source agency: Health Designation: Official...