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741 results found

Tree Preservation Orders - Trees

The law protects certain individual and groups of trees. Trees covered by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) or trees within Conservation Areas are protected under a range of legislation that makes it...

Tree Preservation Orders - Trees

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by the local planning authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The principal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the: cutting down, uprooting,...

Tree - sponsor a new tree

Tree - sponsor a new tree

Tree Preservation Order individual trees

Trees included within Tree Preservation Orders - not group TPOs.

Tree Preservation Order - Individual Trees

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legally enforceable order made by the Local Planning Authority, in this case the NPA, to protect trees and woodland in the interests of public amenity. The...

Tree Preservation Orders - Individual Trees

Point dataset showing the location of tree preservation orders in the Cotswold District. Since posting this data changes may have been made so please contact the Planning Department prior to...


Point Feature depicting individual Tree Features under the responsibility of Bristol City Council and managed by Environment & Leisure Services. Each GIS feature represents the geometry record...

NYMNPA Tree Preservation Orders - Individual trees

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legally enforceable order made by the Local Planning Authority, in this case the NPA, to protect trees and woodland in the interests of public amenity. The...

Tree Preservation Order - Collection of Trees

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is a legally enforceable order made by the Local Planning Authority, in this case the NPA, to protect trees and woodland in the interests of public amenity. The...

Tree Preservation Order trees within Group TPOs

Tree Preservation Order trees within Group TPOs.

Protected Trees

This dataset shows the location of Tree Preservation Orders in the City of London, A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an Order made by the City of London and can apply to a single tree, a group of...

Daventry District Council - Tree Preservation Orders Trees

Map showing Tree Preservation Order Trees for the administrative area of Daventry District

Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) can be placed on single trees, groups of trees and even whole woodlands. If a tree has a TPO you must apply for permission from us before carrying out any work to...

Tree Preservations

Tree Preservations in York. Mapped tree positions are for guidance purposes only and should not be considered accurate and complete. For full details please contact the arboricultural staff on...

DNPA Veteran Trees

All veteran tree information has been recorded by DNPA in 2004/5. A Veteran tree or legacy tree is a tree which, because of its great age, size or condition is of exceptional cultural, landscape or...

Trees In Camden

This dataset contains locations of Council owned trees on highways and in parks and open spaces in the borough. The data is collected during cyclical tree inspections by Camden tree officers. Each...

Tree Preservation Orders

Location of trees, groups of trees, woodlands and other areas of trees in the City of Nottingham. It includes the TPO number along with the reference number of the tree or area. This data only...

Tree Preservation Orders

Tree preservation order (TPO) polygons represent statutory protection afforded to trees under the Planning Order 1991. A TPO may cover a single tree, tree groups, area or woodland

Tree Preservation Orders

Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) in Southampton. A TPO gives legal protection against a tree being cut down, topped, lopped, uprooted, willfully damaged or willfully destroyed. It is an offence to...

Ancient trees

Data showing the location of all the ancient trees in Plymouth prior to 2016. Any changes in the records of ancient trees made since then will not be reflected within this data.