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        Online research catalogue: Naukratis: Greeks in Egypt

        Research into the development and historical context of Naukratis, its re-discovery and excavation and its modern history

        Sample Locations for Thermochronometric Analysis of Recent deformation across the Basin and Range (NERC Grant NE/N015479/1)

        Locations of samples collected to constrain the recent activity on normal faults across Nevada. The geological samples will be used to measure the amount of exhumation that different normal faults...

        HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

        In December 1798 HMS Colossus, a 74 gun warship built in 1787 at Gravesend, was on her way home to England with wounded from the Battle of the Nile and with cargo, including part of Sir William...

        HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

        In December 1798 HMS Colossus, a 74 gun warship built in 1787 at Gravesend, was on her way home to England with wounded from the Battle of the Nile and with cargo, including part of Sir William...