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116 results found

Incidence of all skin cancers (all)

Cancer registrations for all skin cancers per 100,000 population. Directly standardised registration rate Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher:...

2016 - Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Skin metatranscriptomes of naïve rainbow trout showing Puffy Skin Disease (PSD) clinical signs after cohabitation with PSD-fish

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that Puffy Skin Disease (PSD) has an infectious aetiology, by undertaking a cohabitation experiment whereby naïve triploid and diploid rainbow...

Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of skin cancer (C43x - C44x) tumours in England (1995 - 2017)

National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2019). Epidemiology of skin cancer (C43x - C44x) tumours in England (1995 - 2017) [dataset]. Public Health England....

Camden Education and Enforcement Team - Keep Britain Tidy Survey

Street cleansing standards in Camden are independently measured by Keep Britain Tidy (KBT) three times a year to assess the condition of Camden’s street scene. The measurement shows the percentage...

EWCO - Keeping Rivers Cool Riparian Buffers

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation where this will provide dappled shade to improve aquatic ecology by reducing summer water temperatures and benefiting...

Licensed Practitioner List

Guildford Borough Council List of Practitioners Registered to carry out Acupuncture/Ear piercing/Body piercing/Semi-permanent Skin-Colouring/Tattooing/Electrolysis.

Survey data on antibiotic use in humans and animals, poultry keeping practices, waste disposal and hygiene in Bangladesh (2017)

[This dataset is embargoed until March 30, 2020]. A cross-sectional, interviewer-administered survey was conducted in 2017 in rural households, poultry farms and urban food markets. Survey data for...

Incidence of cancers (all)

Cancer registrations for all cancers excluding skin cancers other than malignant melanoma Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher: Information Centre...

Percentage of cancers detected at stage 1 and 2 (CCGOIS 1.18)

The percentage of new cases of cancer which were diagnosed at stage 1 or 2 for the specific cancer sites, morphologies and behaviour: invasive malignancies of breast, prostate, colorectal, lung,...

Environmental Permitting Regulations - Radioactive Substances - Public Register Online

This dataset comprises basic details of Environmental Permitting Regulations Radioactive Substances Regulation permits that are placed on the public register. The Environmental Permitting...

Record Retention Schedule

The Council has to publish how long it needs to keep records/information (paper and electronic).  This dataset represents the latest records retention and disposal schedule.

Allotments - Craven District Council

Allotment gardens are available for a minimal yearly fee and are a great way to grow your own fruit and vegetables, make new friends and keep fit in the great outdoors.

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2014

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2014, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2013

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2013, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2012

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2012, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Number of registered mixed species farms buying feed containing restricted proteins - 2015

This dataset details mixed species farms, registered on the Processed Animal Proteins Database in 2015, buying in feed containing restricted proteins but also keeping ruminants. Attribution...

Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue helicopter callouts. The system keeps details of all search and rescue call outs, the personnel involved and the details of casualties rescued. These casualties are generally...

Hospital admissions: Summary statistics

This dataset provides counts of Finished Admission Episodes (FAE) at MSOA level and higher geographies. The information covers the following specified diagnosis, cause and operative procedures: 1)...

Green Belt in The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames

In United Kingdom town planning, the green belt is a policy for controlling urban growth. The idea is for a ring of countryside where urbanisation will be resisted for the foreseeable future,...

Local Authority boundaries - Scotland

This dataset of current local authority boundaries has been created from Ordnance Survey's open BoundaryLine product. We will endeavour to keep this dataset up to date every time there is a local...