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1893-2016 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Federation for Biological Recorders (CISFBR) Environmental Recording in Cornwall Automated (ERICA) database Cornwall non-native species records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Federation for Biological Recorders (CISFBR). The species listed are Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Grateloupia turuturu,...

1893-2016 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Federation for Biological Recorders (CISFBR) Environmental Recording in Cornwall Automated (ERICA) database Cornwall non-native species records

A collection of Non-Native Species sightings from Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Federation for Biological Recorders (CISFBR). The species listed are Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Grateloupia turuturu,...

Land Survey Records (LSR): Scotland And Northern England.

Miscellaneous geological records for Scotland and Northern England of current or semi-current interest filed in order of accession. Some 65 accessions held which will be subject to review for...

Land Survey Record Index Database (LSRI); Scotland And Northern England.

The Land Survey Record Index was set up c.1988 to provide a digital database index to records and archives held by the Land Survey in Scotland and Northern England and contains over 46,600 records....

2011 Dansey, P. Liverpool Bay records of Ensis directus

A collection of Ensis directus records from the Liverpool Bay area, records collated by Paul Dansey.

Learning Records Service: monthly headline report

This report shows summary counts of 40 report lines that are grouped into 7 sub-sets as trends for the last 6 months. The seven sub-sets include counts from: learner records bulk learner...

Enquiry Records Archive for Scotland And Northern England.

The collection consists of records of enquiries answered by the Land Survey from c.1939 to 1970, with a small number of earlier records. Pre c.1960 files relate mainly to economic mineral enquiries...

Marine Recorder Public UK snapshot – v20220124 (Latest version)

The Spring 2022 Marine Recorder version 52 public snapshot. The Marine Recorder database holds information on UK marine benthic data such as species, biotopes and physical attributes. Data...

Map based index (GeoIndex) onshore borehole records

This layer of the Map based index (GeoIndex) shows the location of records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work. Some 850,000 records dating back...

Marine Accident Investigation Branch primary Voyage Data Recorders evidence

Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) - Downloads from Voyage Data Recorders (VDRs) containing information about vessel's speed, heading, radar images, engine and steering settings, and...

London Fire Brigade Incident Records

This dataset includes an extract setting out the data for London Borough of Barnet, as well as comparative data for Greater London London Fire Brigade is the busiest fire and rescue service in the...

DCLG Data4NR: Common assault: Recorded offences

Notifiable offences recorded by the police: Common assault. Data4NR reference.

2006 Essex Wildlife Trust Essex Undaria pinnatifida records

A record of an U. pinnatifida sporophyte from the Essex Wildlife Trust.

2006 Essex Wildlife Trust Essex Undaria pinnatifida records

A record of an U. pinnatifida sporophyte from the Essex Wildlife Trust.

Metropolitan Police Service - Recorded Crime: Borough Rates

Numbers of recorded offences, and rates of offences per thousand population, by broad crime grouping, by financial year and borough. Rate is given as per thousand population, and are calculated...

Species point records from 1977 UCNW Bardsey Island survey

Detailed littoral and sublittoral survey of fauna and flora of Bardsey Island carried out in order to determine whether Bardsey warrents consideration as a PMNR. Faunal and floral data was recorded...

Habitat point records from 1977 UCNW Bardsey Island survey

Detailed littoral and sublittoral survey of fauna and flora of Bardsey Island carried out in order to determine whether Bardsey warrents consideration as a PMNR. Faunal and floral data was recorded...

Habitat point records from 1996 MNCR Barra survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Species point records from 1996 MNCR Barra survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Hate Crimes as Recorded by NYP

Hate Crimes as Recorded by NYP. As per Crown Prosecution Service's definition a hate crime is considered to be any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be...