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2017 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Noss Head benthic camera survey

The primary aim of this benthic survey at Noss Head, run by SNH and Marine Scotland Science (MSS) for SNH between the 8th and 12th July 2017 using MSS vessel MRV Alba na Mara (cruise 1117A), was to...

2017 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Noss Head benthic camera survey

The primary aim of this benthic survey at Noss Head, run by SNH and Marine Scotland Science (MSS) for SNH between the 8th and 12th July 2017 using MSS vessel MRV Alba na Mara (cruise 1117A), was to...

GVA per head (balanced calculations) (£)

GVA per head (balanced calculations) (£)

GVA per head (income approach) (£)

GVA per head (income approach) (£) *This indicator has been discontinued


protected_lanes Poly-line dataset indicating geographic location of Protected Lanes in the Tendring District. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the...

2002 English Nature/ASM Flamborough Head sublittoral survey

Survey name: 2002 English Nature/ASM Flamborough Head sublittoral survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes vary...

Protected Hedgerows

Dataset showing Protected Hedgerows as identified in the Protected Hedgerows Act 1997 (Regulation 5,1,A), record as a polyline. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Protected Vistas

shows the boundaries of the london-wide protected views which intersect with lambeth

Gross Value Added (GVA) per head

Gross value added (GVA) per head by NUTS3 area at current basic prices Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Geographies: Government Office...


This is a polygon dataset that shows the Protected Hedgerow in the Braintree District

National Head and Neck Cancer, Open Data - 2011-2012

Making clinical audit data transparent. In his transparency and open data letter to Cabinet Ministers on 7 July 2011, the Prime Minister made a commitment to make clinical audit data available...

Protected lanes

This is a line dataset used to identify Protected lanes (1996-2005 Adopted Local Plan)

Flamborough Head cSAC intertidal biotope map

This dataset is a biotope map resulting from a mapping survey of intertidal biotopes in the Flamborough Head cSAC carried out for English Nature.

2000 English Nature (EN) Flamborough Head SAC intertidal survey

Survey name: 2000 English Nature (EN) Flamborough Head SAC intertidal survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes...

Cambridgeshire County Council Head of Service pay scales

This dataset contains the pay scales for Cambridgeshire County Council Heads of Service.

National Head and Neck Cancer Audit, Open data - 2013

Making clinical audit data transparent In his transparency and open data letter to Cabinet Ministers on 7 July 2011, the Prime Minister made a commitment to make clinical audit data available...

LVMF Protected Vistas

The London View Management Framework (LVMF) protects key views of London from parks or other well-used public spaces that help define London. Further details set out in the LVMF Supplementary...

National Head and Neck Cancer Audit, Open data - 2014

Making clinical audit data transparent In his transparency and open data letter to Cabinet Ministers on 7 July 2011, the Prime Minister made a commitment to make clinical audit data available...

Child Protection Plan

Rreferrals, assessment and children and young people who are the subjects of child protection plans (on the child protection register) from year ending March 2009


Dataset showing Protected Hedgerows as identified in the Protected Hedgerows Act 1997 (Regulation 5,1,A). Note that removal of all other rural hedgerows is subject to council application.