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The Communications Market Report

The Ofcom Communications Market Report has been published every year since 2004. It is now an interactive data portal, which allows users to interrogate data collected from industry by Ofcom, data...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Multiscale characterisation of CO2 storage in the United Kingdom

This is a partnership between Imperial College London and the British Geological Survey in which we combine our expertise in pore scale digital rock physics (DRP), reservoir condition Special Core...

EngagedX SIRC Dataset1 - Performance data of social investment released for first time

5 June 2015 - New data published today reveals the financial performance of more than 400 closed investment deals in the UK social investment market. The dataset represents the largest aggregate...

Dundee Local Development Plan

The Dundee Local Development Plan 2019 sets out the land use strategy that will guide development across Dundee up to 2029 and beyond. Since the previous local development plan Dundee has...