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71 results found

Mobile and Flexible Working survey

Survey of HMRC staff working patterns and attitudes to mobile/flexible working. Updated: one-off survey. Data coverage: 2013/14

Mobile and Flexible Working survey

Survey of HMRC staff working patterns and attitudes to mobile/flexible working. Updated: one-off survey. Data coverage: 2013/14

Flexible Resourcing Records

Recruitment - matching skills profiles and availability to identify candidates with the right skills.

Flexible Support Fund

The Flexible Support Fund forms part of the overall Jobcentre Plus Pre-Work Programme Offer and is used to fill gaps and add support where DWP provision, non contracted partner provision or adviser...

Flexible Deployment Tool

Timesheet allocation of hours on variety of projects. Competency Self-Assessments. Only name, position and time allocations & self-assessments held within.

Your Reward Flexible Benefits System

Information held on Your Reward system covers staff names, staff number, location, age, grade, start date, work status, salary, contract hours, tax code and NI, benefits selected and costs. Payroll...

Modern workplaces consultation: government response. Equality impact assessment (EQIA) on flexible parental leave and flexible working

Data from the impact assessment for proposals to make employment practices in the UK more flexible and family-friendly. The data provides ethnic breakdown of male employees; male employees with a...

Modern workplaces consultation: government response on flexible working. Impact assessment

Data supporting the impact assessment for proposals to extend the right to request flexible working to all employees. These proposals aim to facilitate the employee-employer information exchange...

Modern workplaces [consultation]: government response on flexible parental leave. Impact assessment.

Data supporting the impact assessment for proposals on extending flexible parental leave in the closed consultation on modern workplaces (URN 11/699). The new system of flexible parental leave aims...

Article 4 Direction - Flexible Town Centre

Article 4 Direction Flexible Town Centre in Hackney - An Article 4 Direction (A4D) is part of planning legislation that allows the Council to remove permitted developments rights including changes...

Hackney Article 4 Directions - Flexible Town Centre Use

Article 4 Direction (A4D) is part of planning legislation that allows the Council to remove permitted development rights including changes of use from an area or a particular property. This dataset...

OS Open Built Up Areas

OS Open Built Up Areas represents the built up areas of Great Britain and contains three unique datasets, offering maximum flexibility to meet your needs: Built Up Areas, Built Up Extents and Non...

Consultation on modern workplaces: impact assessments

Underlying data from the impact assessments underlying the consultation on modern workplaces [URN 11/699] Underlying data from the impact assessments: Underlying data from the publication Working...

OS VectorMap™ Local Raster

Keywords: Buildings, Rivers, OSVectorMapLocalColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBackdropColourRaster, OSVectorMapLocalBlackAndWhiteRaster OS VectorMap Raster is a GeoTiff, pre-styled version...

OS VectorMap Local

A highly-detailed, customisable, street-level base map, OS VectorMap Local shows fences, building outlines, paths and street names, for the accurate lie of the land. A simple vector dataset at a...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: FleCCSnet - Flexible CCS Network Development

This project will produce and disseminate the first design and operating guidelines for the flexible operation of CCS pipeline networks. The research will explore how CCS pipeline networks can...

Police transformation fund

The police transformation fund is intended to transform policing by investing in digitalisation, a diverse and flexible workforce and new capabilities to respond to changing crimes and...

OS VectorMap District

OS VectorMap District is a simple vector dataset with a nominal scale of 1:25000 covering the whole of Great Britain that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. The product can be used...

OS Open Zoomstack

OS Open Zoomstack makes OS open data more accessible, customisable and easier to use. It provides a single, customisable map of Great Britain to be used at national and local levels. The data is...

Parental Leave (EU Directive) Regulations 2013: impact assessment

Analyses of both time-series (e.g. Labour Force Survey) and regular (e.g. Work-life Balance Employee and Employer surveys) datasets. Supports the impact assessment for draft regulations that extend...