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This is a polygon dataset that shows Indoor Sport and Leisure areas as allocated in the 2005 Adopted Local Plan

Brixton Indoor Market

showing boundary of brixton indoor market in lambeth, as defined by the 2015 proposals map

Thames Estuary Production Corridor: Fashion Design and Manufacturing Sector: evidence base and emerging areas of action

This dataset was collated to provide evidence for supporting and investing in the high growth fashion design and manufacturing sector in the Thames Estuary region. This evidence base was created as...

Indoor Sports Leisure and Recreation Facilities REC9

This is a polygon dataset used to identify Indoor Sports Leisure and Recreation Facilities REC9 and was part of the Adopted Replacement Local Plan (2005)

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Indoors Living Environment Sub-domain

ID 2004 Indoors Living Environment Subdomain (quality of housing) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Geographies: Lower...

Index of Deprivation 2007 - Indoors Living Environment Sub-domain

ID 2007 Indoors Living Environment Subdomain (quality of housing) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Geographies: Lower Layer...

Trace elements in residential indoor vacuum dust, collected via a citizen-led sampling approach and analysed by XRF (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

A dataset of trace metal concentrations (As, Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in indoor dust from homes from 11 countries, along with a suite of potentially contributory residential characteristics. A...

Indoor particulate matter study (PM10, PM2.5, vacuum dust) at residential homes in North-East England using a citizen-led sampling approach (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

A dataset of airborne particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) readings (every 3 minutes) collected by participating households in Northeast England in their kitchens and living rooms over the course of...

Passive sampler ammonia measurements indoors and outdoors at a rural dwelling in South Lanarkshire, 2021

This dataset consists of ammonia (NH3) measurements at two sites in a rural location in South Lanarkshire. The sites are located in a dwelling, one site is inside and the other is outside in the...

Passive sampler ammonia measurements indoors and outdoors at a rural dwelling in South Lanarkshire, 2022

This dataset consists of ammonia (NH3) measurements at two sites in a rural location in South Lanarkshire. The sites are located in a dwelling, one site is inside and the other is outside in the...

Passive sampler ammonia measurements indoors and outdoors at a rural dwelling in South Lanarkshire, 2019-2020

This dataset consists of ammonia (NH3) measurements at two sites in a rural location in South Lanarkshire. The sites are located in a dwelling, one site is inside and the other is outside in the...

Passive sampler ammonia measurements indoors and outdoors at a rural dwelling in South Lanarkshire (2017-2018)

This dataset consists of ammonia (NH3) measurements at two sites in a rural location in South Lanarkshire. The sites are located in a dwelling, one site is inside in the hall and the other is...

East of England Forecasting Model 2013 Baseline

The East of England Forecasting Model projects economic, demographic and housing trends in a consistent fashion. It covers a wide range of variables, and is designed to be flexible so that...

East of England Forecasting Model 2013 Baseline for Cambridgeshire

The East of England Forecasting Model projects economic, demographic and housing trends in a consistent fashion. It covers a wide range of variables, and is designed to be flexible so that...

Inside space and outside facilities

List of all primary and secondary schools with what outdoor facilities they have and the indoor space. Plot size of school is measured in hectares (ha).

Species point records from 1989 FSCRC Daucleddau Estuary (Milford Haven) littoral survey

This survey was carried out by Alan Hern as a placement study looking at physio-chemical parameters of the Daucleddau Estuary. A total of 31 stations were sampled and arranged in a linear fashion...

Habitat point records from 1989 FSCRC Daucleddau Estuary (Milford Haven) littoral survey

This survey was carried out by Alan Hern as a placement study looking at physio-chemical parameters of the Daucleddau Estuary. A total of 31 stations were sampled and arranged in a linear fashion...

Fluid dynamics computer models

Fluid Dynamics and Indoor Dispersion Team have the data sets generated from fluid dynamics computer models (e.g. underground train, underground station, buildings, rooms). They are sometimes called...

Mortality Risk from High Temperatures in London (Triple Jeopardy Mapping)

A heatwave refers to a prolonged period of unusually hot weather. While there is no standard definition of a heatwave in England, the Met Office generally uses the World Meteorological Organization...

Bacterial diversity (16S rRNA gene) in participant collected household vacuum dust from homes across two bioclimatic regions (UK and Greece), with associated participant questionnaire and trace element data. (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

The <250um fraction of 28 household vacuum dust samples were extracted using high throughput isolation of microbial genomic DNA (21 samples from a national campaign within the UK and 7 samples...