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Music Education hubs

Music Education Hubs awards

Individual Music education hubs

Here you can find data on each of the Arts Council's Music education hubs. Information includes the address, name and type of every school within reach of a Music education hub.

Primary ITT Music Materials

Selected materials from the 2 week ITT primary music modules developed and delivered by 21 ITT providers

Music Education Hubs Annual Data Return

Annual autumn data return by Department for Education funded music education hubs to Arts Council England, whom manage hubs on Department for Education's behalf. There are currently 123 music...

Subscribers to Leeds international chamber music

The following dataset provides a list of areas subscribed to Leeds Chamber Music, for all the latest on Leeds concerts. Further information ------------------- * For further information please...

Enteric fever enhanced surveillance database

Enteric fever enhanced surveillance database

Monthly figures on children entering detention

Monthly statistics relating to children entering detention and held solely under Immigration Act powers.  These data are based on provisional management information and are subject to...

ID 2007 Not Entering Higher Education indicator

ID 2007: Education domain: Not Entering Higher Education indicator: Proportion of those aged under 21 not entering Higher Educations (HE) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID...

Children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers

Management information on children entering detention, held solely under the Immigration Act powers. Complements statistics published in the publication Control of Immigration

Music Education Hub Data Return

The return consists of information to be collected by all hub lead organisations for the previous academic year, as a condition of their grant agreement with Arts Council England.

% of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)

% of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)

Number of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)

Number of children entering care who have previously been looked after, excluding Short Breaks - (YTD)

National Insurance Number (NINo) allocations to overseas nationals entering the UK

The data cover overseas nationals allocated a National Insurance Number (NINo) on the National Insurance Recording System (NIRS). The figures cover overseas nationals allocated a NINo for whatever...

People entering IAPT (in month) as % of those estimated to have anxiety/depression (VoY CCG) - (Snapshot)

People entering IAPT (in month) as % of those estimated to have anxiety/depression (VoY CCG) - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued

% of adopted children who wait <14 mths from entering care to moving in with adoptive family (16 mths in 2015, 18 mths in 2014, 20 mths in 2013) - (Rolling 3 years)

% of adopted children who wait &lt;14 mths from entering care to moving in with adoptive family (16 mths in 2015, 18 mths in 2014, 20 mths in 2013) - (Rolling 3 years) *This indicator has been...

Enteric virus concentrations, pH and turbidity in wastewater discharged to the Conwy River and estuary, North Wales (2016-2017)

This dataset contains pH, turbidity and viral concentration information in untreated and treated wastewater samples at wastewater discharge points and wastewater treatment plants along the Conwy...

Publication of contracts entered above the value of £10000 in Gambling Commission

This dataset provides the information on the Gambling Commission's publication of ICT contracts above the value of £10000, since July 2010.

Enteric virus concentrations and chemical properties of wastewater, water, sediment and shellfish samples collected along the Conwy River and estuary, North Wales (2016-2017)

This dataset contains pH, turbidity, conductivity and viral concentration information in river and estuarine water, wastewater, sediment and mussel samples collected in the Conwy River and estuary....

Average Daily Footfall In Aviation House By Week

This dataset shows the daily average of FSA staff entering Aviation House by week. The weekly total number of FSA Staff entering Aviation House is divided by 5 to give the daily average.

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 1985/VE/1: Land's End (18/Sep/1985 to 24/Sep/1985)

Not Entered