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Accident & Emergency Care Statistics

This publication presents information on annual activity at emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. It details information on new attendances, planned & unplanned re-attendances,...

Northern Ireland Emergency Care Waiting Time Statistics

This is the publication of the monthly statistics release on waiting times for all Emergency Care Departments across Northern Ireland Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety...

Emergency Care Waiting Times

Details information on the time spent waiting in emergency care departments in Northern Ireland. Emergency care waiting times by type of department is also presented to allow users to compare...

Accident and Emergency Activity

A&E activity; total time spent in A&E from arrival to admission, discharge or transfer and waiting for emergency admission through A&E. Source agency: Health Designation: Official...

Accident and emergency statistics

Attendances at accident & emergency departments, minor injury units and walk in centres Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: Primary Care Trust...

Emergency Service Gazetteer

OS Emergency Services Gazetteer product provides a national, consistent, and maintained view of the locations and names of places and objects. This enables quick and accurate gazetteer searches and...

Care quality commission care directory

The link contains a complete list of the places in England where people carry out care that is regulated by CQC. It includes every hospital, care home, dentist and care home agency in England as...

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: chronic conditions usually managed in primary care

Emergency admissions to hospital for chronic conditions (asthma, diabetes) usually managed in primary care settings Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Office for National Statistics...

Emergency hospital admissions and timely surgery: acute conditions usually managed in primary care

The number of finished and unfinished continuous inpatient spells (CIPS) for patients of all ages with an emergency method of admission and with any of the following primary diagnoses - Ear, nose...

Critical Care Beds

Critical care beds. Source agency: Health Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Critical Care Beds

Residential and nursing care

The total number of weeks all adult client groups and older people were supported in residential and nursing care during the year (including both permanent and temporary residents and including...

Intensive home care

The number of households receiving intensive home care (More than 10 contact hours and 6 or more visits during the week) during the sample week. Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework...

HPI: Social care resourcing

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Social care resourcing: Personal social services expenditure per capita Source: Department of Health (DoH), General Fund Services Revenue Account...

HPI: Quality of social care

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Quality of social care: The effectiveness of care for vulnerable individuals in society Source: Department of Health (DoH), Hospital Episode Statistics...

HPI: Access to secondary care

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Access to secondary care Source: Department of Health (DoH), Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), ONS Mid Year Estimates Publisher: Health Poverty...

HPI: Access to social care

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Access to social care Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Health Poverty Index Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD),...

Home care user survey

Provisional results from a survey of older people aged 65 and over receiving home care. A questionnaire was sent out to a sample of users in each Council to gain an understanding of their...

Nuclear Emergency Planning Zones

Detailed Emergency Planning Zones for licensed sites in the UK

Business continuity/emergency plans

Business Continuity/Emergency Plans - CD staff contact details. Name, out of hours contact telephone numbers.

Rail Commercial Emergency Manual

Emergency Manual for Rail Commercial