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        673 results found

        Dispensing contractors’ remuneration

        Provides details of payments made to Scottish dispensers of pharmaceuticals in the community. Prior to March 2009 this publication was released as part of an overall "Prescribing Statistics"...

        AddressBase Plus for contractors

        GLA's processed pan-London Ordnance Survey AddressBase Plus for use by contractors that have signed PSMA Contractor Licence

        Contractor Key Performance Indicators

        Results of the contractor performance in England and Wales for the periods 2015-16 and 2016-17, measured against the key performance indicator RAG rating, reported annually at area level.

        Global Threat Reduction Programme contractors

        Details of Global Threat Reduction Programme contractors overseas

        Electricity consumption

        Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) and Middle Super Output Area (MSOA) electricity data. Source:

        Electricity Usage

        Wilton Park - Units of electricity used

        Electricity Prepayment Meters

        Data on the number of electricity prepayment meters in Calderdale in 2017 by postcode, lower layer super output area (LSOA), medium layer super output area (MSOA) and ward. Taken from [Electricity...

        Register of Approved SIA Contractors

        Lists all of the organisations that have met the requirements for the Approved Contractor Scheme. These organisations have distinguished themselves as being amongst the best providers of private...

        Schools Electricity - Cost (£)

        Schools Electricity - Cost (£)

        Electric Vehicles Charging Points

        Charging points for electric vehicles in York. For further information about electric charging points please visit the...

        Historical electricity data

        Historical electricity data series updated annually in July alongside the publication of the Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics (DUKES).

        Hydro-Electric Records (He)

        Archive of reports, correspondence, records of tunnel and dam site examinations, borehole records relating to the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board's schemes in the Scottish Highlands...

        Street Lighting - Electricity - Cost (£)

        Street Lighting - Electricity - Cost (£)

        Car Club - Electric - Miles

        Car Club - Electric - Miles

        Electric Vehicle Charging Points

        Electric Vehicle Charging Points This data is commercial data

        Public attitudes towards electric vehicles

        Report on public attitudes towards electric vehicles. Source agency: Transport Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Public...

        Sub-national electricity consumption

        Statistics on the consumption of electricity broken down by local authority. Accredited Official Statistics

        Electric Vehicle Charging Transactions

        Data showing Electric Vehicle Charging Point Transactions: charging point location, time, total Wh and connect time. Data measured in Watt Hours (Wh).

        Electricity usage

        A dataset providing the electricity usage in council owned buildings, a reading is provided every 30 mins.  Please note ----------- * Not all locations are updated at the same time, some...

        Schools Electricity - CO2 (kg)

        Schools Electricity - CO2 (kg)