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396 results found

Photo analysis (geological) from Anton Dohrn and East Rockall Bank

Photo analysis (geological) from Anton Dohrn and East Rockall Bank (2009_07-RVFranklin-AntonDhorn-RockallBank). The cruise 2009_03_MV_Franklin Surveyed two Areas of Search for offshore SACs Anton...

Security Connect

Links security pass system to DFID Connect to allow staff photos to be uploaded/stored and disassociated.

National Forest Estate Recreaton Routes England 2016

The usage, name and grade of the series of recreation segments that link together to form linear recreation features, for example, mountain bike trails or walking trails. Primary Route...


From Parliamentary constituencies to council wards, Boundary-Line™ maps every administrative boundary in detail for you. And what's more, it's completely free to download and use. Bring statistics...


From Parliamentary constituencies to council wards, Boundary-Line™ maps every administrative boundary in detail for you. And what's more, it's completely free to download and use. Bring statistics...

Agricultural Statistics in your Pocket

This publication has been discontinued, as it has been superseded by and comes under Agriculture in the UK now. This publication provides an easy-to-reference statistics on UK Agriculture,...

AddressBase Plus

For direct marketing teams: take your data analysis to the next level by referencing data to individual addresses (such as flats) rather than mail delivery points (houses divided into...

OS OpenMap Local

Map, visualise, and truly understand your data at street level. The most detailed street-level open data vector mapping product available, OS Open Map – Local is a great backdrop over which to...

Wales' grey seal photo-identification database: EIRPHOT (1992-2016)

This dataset is a catalogue of seal images that were collected as part of the former Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and Natural Resources Wales' (NRW) seal monitoring and evidence work. Images...

UK INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report

The UK INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report provides information on UK progress towards implementation and use of the INSPIRE infrastructure. It is a statutory requirement for member states to...

Roadside survey of vehicle registration marks

Roadside survey of vehicle registration marks. Dataset consists of photographs of cars on the UK road network, and auto-captured number plate data, for purposes of estimating rate of Vehicle Excise...

Camden ' Key Facts'

Easy 1 page reference table for key facts about Camden

Calbuco airborne LiDAR and aerial photo survey (NERC grant NE/N007263/1)

Helicopter borne LiDAR and aerial photo survey of lahar pathways deposited during the April 2015 Volcan Calbuco eruption. Terrestrial Laser Scanning data for July 2015.

Broadscale habitat maps for Pisces Reef area 1, 2 and 3 showing Annex I reef feature

Predicted distribution of Annex 1 Reef habitat using data from SEA 6 survey data from S/V Kommander Jack Irish Sea survey 2004, Legs 2 and 3. Geophysical acoustic data and groundtruthing by photos...

UK 2012 INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report

The UK 2012 INSPIRE Monitoring Indicators Report provides information on UK progress towards implementation and use of the INSPIRE infrastructure. It is a statutory requirement for...

Project field notebook photos, NERC grant Tellurium and Selenium Cycling and Supply (NE/M010953/1)

Field notebook photos and scans for NERC grant Tellurium and Selenium Cycling and Supply. Various sites in Ireland, Scotland, England, North Wales, Norway, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.

St Pancras And Somers Town Partnership Insight Report 2017

This report has been produced by public health as part of the St Pancras and Somers Town Partnership, and describes a series of insights from local residents and wider stakeholders around what...

Model validation and finfish farms modelling output data in Kuwait Bay 2017-2019

This data refers to a numerical model validation, in Kuwait Bay, for both the hydrodynamics and the biogeochemistry. Also, there is a dataset regarding finfish farms modelling. Different types...

Species point records from 1991 NRA North Yorkshire and Humberside littoral rock survey

Biological surveys of seven rocky shores along Yorkshire's coastline were carried out in the spring and summer of 1991. Most of the shores had conservation value and were designated under the...

Habitat point records from 1991 NRA North Yorkshire and Humberside littoral rock survey

Biological surveys of seven rocky shores along Yorkshire's coastline were carried out in the spring and summer of 1991. Most of the shores had conservation value and were designated under the...