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804 results found

Highway Dedication

Highway dedication provides an indication of the type of Highway user who has access to that particular section of the Highway. Against every section of geometry supplied by the local highway...

Dedication Woodland Grant Scheme England

The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was introduced...

Woodland Dedications

The Dedication woodland Scheme (Basis I and II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III was...

Dedicated Woodlands

Description: The Dedication Scheme (Basis I & II) was introduced in 1947 in order to encourage landowners to retain their land in forestry and to introduce good forestry practice. Basis III...

CRoW Act 2000 - Section 16 Dedicated Land

Shows land mapped as dedicated access land under the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000. Attribution statement: © Natural England copyright. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown...

Immigration Statistics: extensions of stay

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statistics and the annual British Citizenship, following a public consultation. Each topic now has its...

Allerdale Land Dedication Land Charge

Land Dedications recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent. Section 16 of the Countryside and Rights of Way (CROW) Act 2000 Act gives landowners and long leaseholders the...

Allerdale Dedicated Instrument Land Charge

Dedicated Instrument recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents

Settlement Extensions

Refer to the Purbeck District Local Plan (November 2012) Policies CEN/NE

Meteorological data collected at English Short Rotation Coppice (Extensive) sites

As a result of high oil prices in the mid-1970s, many European and Scandinavian countries initiated research programmes investigating fuel production from energy crops. Initial studies were aimed...

Meteorological data collected at Welsh Short Rotation Coppice (Extensive) sites

As a result of high oil prices in the mid-1970s, many European and Scandinavian countries initiated research programmes investigating fuel production from energy crops. Initial studies were aimed...

Open Access - Dedicated Forests (CRoW Act)

Dataset showing forests that comprised the freehold public forest estate dedicated by former Forestry Commission Wales (FCW), now Natural Resources Wales (NRW), under section 16 of the...

North Lincolnshire Council Countryside/Dedicated Open access land

Countryside/Dedicated Open land access Countryside/Dedicated Open land access digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

North Lincolnshire Council Countryside/Dedicated Open access land

Countryside/Dedicated Open land access

North Lincolnshire Council Countryside/Dedicated Open access land

Countryside/Dedicated Open land access.

Sustainable Urban Extensions (2023)

Polygon dataset showing Sustainable Urban Extensions.

National Parks - Lake District & Yorkshire Dales extension

National Parks are run by National Park Authorities for the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage and to provide opportunities for the understanding...

Open Access - Other Dedicated Land (CRoW Act)

Dataset showing the area of land that has been dedicated under Section 16 of the CRoW Act by organisations/individuals other than Natural Resources Wales (NRW). When using this data to...

Performance Dashboard Applications for Section 36 consents, required for the construction, extension or operation of electricity generating stations

This dashboard shows information about how the Applications for Section 36 consents, required for the construction, extension or operation of electricity generating stations service is currently...

Calverton NP North West Quadrant Urban Extension

No description provided