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        4,163 results found

        Business continuity plans

        Yorkshire and Humber Relationship Team Business continuity plans

        Business Continuity plan

        Business Continuity plan to be facilitated in the event of an emergency.

        Continuous Analysers Locations

        This data has come from continuous analysers. It includes PM10, PM2.5 and Nox data...

        Business Continuity Plans repository

        Business Continuity Plans repository

        Business continuity/emergency plans

        Business Continuity/Emergency Plans - CD staff contact details. Name, out of hours contact telephone numbers.

        FCA update on cash savings - December 2023

        The FCA updates on progress in the cash savings market since it published its review in July 2023. In July the FCA published a review of the cash savings market, setting out an action plan to...

        NHS Continuing Healthcare Activity

        NHS Continuing Healthcare’ is a package of care (outside hospital) arranged and funded solely by the NHS where the individual has been found to have a ‘primary health need’ as set out in the...


        Local air quality monitoring stations that continuously monitor various pollutants including nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM10) and ozone within the Local Air Quality Management (LAQM)...

        Stroke Statistics update

        Stroke Statistics update Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Stroke Statistics update

        Continuous Household Survey Bulletin

        The Bulletin provides summary information as well as some trend data from previous years. It includes information on - smoking, household composition, debt, internet access, health, sport and...

        Influenza Update

        Information relating to influenza consultations rates and vaccinations for flu season. This publication is being discontinued, in view of Health Protection Scotland’s (HPS) key role and expertise...

        Local Air Quality Monitoring - Continuous Assessment

        Air quality monitoring stations that continuously monitor NO2 within the LAQM area.

        Coronavirus (COVID-19) Weekly Update

        Dataset no longer updated Due to changes in the collection and availability of data on COVID-19, this dataset is no longer updated. Latest information about COVID-19 is available via the [UKHSA...

        DTrgA Business Continuity Call Out List

        Business Continuity Call Out List

        ScotPHO Alcohol Update

        Update of the Alcohol section of the ScotPHO website to include elements of the former Alcohol Statistics Scotland publication and the Alcohol Information Scotland website. Mainly links to already...

        ScotPHO Drug Update

        Update of the Drug Misuse section of the ScotPHO website to include elements of the former Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland publication and the Drug Misuse Information Scotland website. Mainly links...

        Internet Access Quarterly Update

        This publication has been discontinued as a result of the ONS Consultation on Statistical Products, 2013. The last edition of the Internet Access Quarterly Update was published on 14 May 2014, for...

        Continuous measurements of rainfall (2002-2007) [LOCAR]

        Continuous measurements of rainfall from the Frome Piddle; Pang Lambourn and Tern catchments, recorded between 2002 and 2007. Continuous recording rain gauges were installed at six sites in these...

        Coronary Heart Disease Statistics update

        Annual update of heart disease statistics, including mortality, hospital activity and operations, incidence and prescribing. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services...

        London Site Business Continuity Contact Data

        A data set in two parts - one in MS WORD, the other in MS EXCEL - that contains: names; telephone numbers (business telephone numbers, home telephone numbers, mobile telephone numbers, pager...