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337 results found

National Gas Transmission Network - Scotland

This dataset contains data provided by National Gas and is the gas transmission network data only covering Scotland. This data is supplied on a best-effort basis only and is for indicative...

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) surveillanceᅠ

Record the results of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) testing.

TSE (Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) Mouse Bioassay

Database containing information on mice which have been inoculated in TSE (Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) projects.

TSE (Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) Database

Databases which contain; farm name, address, County Parish Holding number (CPH). Animal details such as eartag number, age, date of birth, date of death. TSE (Transmissible spongiform...

Help with Computers

Location of places where assistance with computers is provided e.g. courses/clubs. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User...


This dataset shows the planning development constraints for Transmission Line 24/7 from...

Newcastle libraries computer usage

Monthly computer usage figures by branch library from April 2008 to present. Additional information Given as a percentage of the total available time computers can be booked. BIPC is the Business...

Fluid dynamics computer models

Fluid Dynamics and Indoor Dispersion Team have the data sets generated from fluid dynamics computer models (e.g. underground train, underground station, buildings, rooms). They are sometimes called...

Library computer bookings

This dataset provides details of library computer use. Please note ----------- * The statistics provided do not relate to the number of sessions booked, but rather to the number of sessions...

Pensions Strategy Computer System

Pensions Strategy Computer System data contains information required for the processing of claims for Retirement Pension, Incapacity Benefit, Widows Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance. The...

Pension Service Computer System

Pension Service Computer System. Database containing details of customers claiming State Pension. This is payable to customers who have reached State Pension Age and who have been paid or...

Low Cost/Free Computer Access

Location of Low-cost or free computer access. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE.

MoJ extract of Police National Computer

Extract of selected fields from the Police National Computer (PNC).

Intergenerational transmission of disadvantage in the UK & EU

Examines the extent to which the circumstances children grow up in affect their future life chances. The analysis investigates the relationship between childhood factors, such as parents’...

Total Facilities Management and Computer Aided Facilities Management system

Interserve computer system which holds records of all maintenance on DSA buildings, statutory inspections and PPM regime for the DSA estate. Includes out of hours emergency contact details. No...

Unicorn Computer System

software system which contains names, addresses, e-mails, phone numbers for all of those who import or export CITES goods or apply for A10 certificates in the UK and Internationally.

Doddington Sandstone Computed Tomography Rock Scan - 4.2µm - 161213

The images in this dataset are a sample of Doddington Sandstone from a micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) scan acquired with a voxel resolution of 4.2µm. This dataset is part of a study on the...

Programme Accounting Computer System & Programme Accounting Computer System - Accounts Payable

Details of war pension accounts

War Pensions Computer System

Details of war pension claims, appeals and awards

Permeability of rock fractures computed by multi-scale models (NERC grant NE/L000660/1)

The permeability of single fractures, pairs of conjugate fracture pairs, and 256 fracture networks, is numerically computed using a multi-scale permeability method. For fracture networks, the...