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Multi-modal Routing Network

The Multi-modal Routing Network is a combination of OS Networks Data including Rail, Paths, Roads and Ferries combined with Modal Change Sites to create a fully topological network to enable...

Multi-agency public protection arrangements statistics

This annual publication presents the number of MAPPA eligible offenders in England and Wales, and information related to these offenders, including a summary of the information provided in the...

Combined Heat and Power database

Internal database of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plants in the UK. The department is unable to publish site level data as this information is commercially sensitive. We publish statistics on...

Combined Online Information System

The Combined Online Information System (COINS) is a database about UK Government expenditure, collecting financial data from across the public sector, but not down to transaction level. COINS...

FRAME (Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-pollutant Exchange)

The FRAME model calculates the deposition of sulphur and nitrogen at both standard (5 km) and high (1 km) resolution across the UK. The results are used to calculate the exceedance of critical...

Multi agency public protection arrangements annual report

Statistics regarding various aspects of the delivery of Multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) in England and Wales. Source agency: Justice Designation: Official Statistics not...

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Database

Central system for storing data on MAPPA eligible offenders

Combined Cadet Force Contingent Records

Microsoft Access database of all CCF Contingents.

Spend over £25000 in North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust., as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in...

Water Body RNAGS Combined Essex

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body Measures Combined Essex

Water body measures are the actions which will be taken on the ground to help achieve water body objectives. They are brought about by a range of legal, policy or financial mechanisms and involve...

Mass Spectrometry for Salmonella Detection

Proteomics Mass Spectrometry for Salmonella detection

Rapid Flight Mass Spectrometry

Rapid Analysis of veterinary medicine residues in animal tissues using time of flight mass spectrometry

Multi-factor Productivity (experimental)

Using a growth accounting framework, growth in output can be decomposed into the relative contributions of capital and labour inputs (in terms of both quantity and composition) as well as a...

Water Body Status Classification Combined Essex

Water body status classification data indicates the quality or status of water bodies across a range of different parameters known as quality elements. This dataset includes the classification...

Water Body Status Objectives Combined Essex

Water body status objectives describe the long term aim for specific parts of the water environment. This dataset includes the latest objectives of all water bodies in the Combined Essex catchment....

Combined Authorites (June 2016)

Combined Authorities in England (June 2016) There are currently seven Combined Authorities in England Greater Manchester Liverpool City Region North East Sheffield City Region Tees...

NI 195a - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - levels of litter, detritus combined

The indicator is reported as four parts for each element of environmental and street cleanliness (1.) Litter, (2.) Detritus, (3.) Fly-posting, and (4.) Graffiti. Source: Locally held Publisher:...

NI 195a - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - levels of litter, detritus combined

The indicator is reported as four parts for each element of environmental and street cleanliness (1.) Litter, (2.) Detritus, (3.) Fly-posting, and (4.) Graffiti.

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) 2017 - Combined (Final Designations)

This dataset sets out the Nitrate Vulnerable Zone designations following the 4 yearly review for implementation in 2017. These are the final designations following appeals. Nitrate Vulnerable...