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Regional Economic Indicators

The Regional Economic Indicators examine regional differences within the UK economy. These are discussed via an ongoing series of articles focusing on the measurement of economic performance,...

DCMS Workforce Management Information

These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce management information published in the interests of transparency. These figures have not been reconciled centrally with any...

DCMS Workforce Management Information: September-November 2011

These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce management information published in the interests of transparency. These figures have not been reconciled centrally with...

DCMS Workforce Management Information: December 2012 to March 2013

These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce management information published in the interests of transparency. These figures have not been reconciled centrally with any...

FOI CCF-5485 Re-provision on Elderly Persons Homes

Date of Request: 21/1/15 Date of Answer: 25/2/15 Request: "All email and paper records of discussions regarding the EPH re-provision between the responsible cabinet member and other cabinet...

Data for the register of higher education providers regulated in England

This register lists higher education providers, which have particular relationships to Government (or bodies related to Government) in England. It sets out the powers they have, and the regulatory...

2001 The National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOC), Dorset, Maerl and Seagrass mapping (2001 dive survey results)

These records all relate to 'Collins, K (2002) Dorset Maerl and Seagrass. 2001 survey results.' The majority of survey work was undertaken in 2001, but the report also draws together additonal...

2001 The National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOC), Dorset, Maerl and Seagrass mapping (2001 dive survey results)

These records all relate to 'Collins, K (2002) Dorset Maerl and Seagrass. 2001 survey results.' The majority of survey work was undertaken in 2001, but the report also draws together additonal...

Workforce Management Information - Department for Transport

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

Workforce Management Information - Department for Communities and Local Government

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Civil Service departments, their agencies and their executive NDPBs. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll...

2002 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch survey of Dorset using mostly amateur recorders. Records subsequently validated by an expert post-survey assessor and biotopes assigned according to the MNCR 04.05 key. Seasearch is...

2000 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch records from Dorset in 2000. Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to gather...

2002 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch survey of Dorset using mostly amateur recorders. Records subsequently validated by an expert post-survey assessor and biotopes assigned according to the MNCR 04.05 key. Seasearch is...

2000 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch records from Dorset in 2000. Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to gather...

2001 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch survey dives undertaken in Dorset in 2001. Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to...

2001 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch survey dives undertaken in Dorset in 2001. Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to...

1995-2002 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to gather information on the marine habitats and species...

1995-2002 The Marine Conservation Society - Seasearch, Various locations in Dorset, Diver observations and detailed survey records

Seasearch is a marine habitat and species recording project for recreational SCUBA divers in the UK. The main aim of these surveys is to gather information on the marine habitats and species...

Historic Landscape Characterisation - 1797

The Oxfordshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) Project commenced in October 2012, funded by Historic England and hosted by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC). Due to a change in key...

Historic Landscape Characterisation - 1881

The Oxfordshire Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) Project commenced in October 2012, funded by Historic England and hosted by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC). Due to a change in key...