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        315 results found

        Dementia Friendly Cafe's

        Dementia friendly cafe's including name, address, post code and opening hours

        Breast feeding family friendly places

        Breast feeding friendly family places including, type, address, contact number and full time/part time.  Please note this list is only where the NHS Foundation Trust has been informed as...

        Friends and Family Test

        The responses of maternity patients, and patients who have been treated in an acute setting as inpatients or in A&E, to the question "how likely are you to recommend our ward/A&E...

        Child Maintenance

        Child maintenance is financial support that helps towards a child’s everyday living costs when the parents have separated. The parent who doesn’t have day-to-day care of the child (the ‘paying...

        NHS Friends and Family Test for Staff

        From April 2014, NHS England is introducing the Staff Friends and Family Test (FFT) in all NHS trusts providing acute, community, ambulance and mental health services in England. Data will show...

        Child Health Profiles

        Child Health Profiles provide a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in England using key health indicators, which enable comparison locally, regionally and nationally....

        Child Health Profiles

        Child Health Profiles provide a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in England using key health indicators, which enable comparison locally, regionally and...

        Child Benefit

        Information about Child Benefit Families, (and the child/ren) being claimed for Source: HM Customs and Revenue Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics / HM Customs and Revenue Geographies: Lower Layer...

        Child Protection Plan

        Rreferrals, assessment and children and young people who are the subjects of child protection plans (on the child protection register) from year ending March 2009

        Child Maintenance Service Statistics

        This publication contains information on cases being processed by the 2012 statutory child maintenance scheme, delivered by the Child Maintenance...

        Child Protection Statistics, Scotland

        The number of child protection referrals, case conferences, registrations, de-registrations and the number on child protection registers. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

        Child Benefit

        These statistics provide annual geographical estimates, at county, district, ward and LSOA level, of the number of families and children claiming Child Benefit in respect of the 31 August of the...

        Coal mining child phase

        The coal mining child phase dataset shows the position for each Child Phase taken from the information held by the Authority, and includes a number of attributes relating to that feature. This...

        Child and Working Tax Credits - Child Poverty Statistics

        Child Poverty Statistics - National Indicator 116: The proportion of children living in families in receipt of out of work benefits or tax credits where their reported income is less than 60%...

        Child Healthy Weight Interventions

        Progress made by NHS Boards in the first year against implementing the HEAT H3 target on child healthy weight interventions Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not...

        Preventable Child Deaths in England:

        The number of child deaths which have been reviewed by Child Death Overview Panels (CDOPs), including the number which were assessed as preventable. Source agency: Education Designation: Official...

        Child Benefit: Net Payments

        Provides monthly and annual historical records on all HMRC Tax & NIC receipts, and Tax Credit payments. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Child Benefit...

        Child Maintenance Debt Management

        These are systems in which support the collection of child maintenance arrears, debt enforcement activity and/or offences against Child Maintenance legislation. Investigations - where an...

        Child death review data release 2022

        This data release covers child deaths notified and reviewed between 2021 and 2022, and gives readers an opportunity to explore comprehensive child death review data for themselves. The National...

        Child death review data release 2021

        Child death review data release 2021 The National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) was notified of 3,068 child deaths in England between April 2020 and March 2021. The data was collected as part...